Mr. Smith- Thaluke

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This one is supppper short. Sorry! Will have another chapter up soon!

Mr. S. POV

I was restocking the shelves when three young kids came in. They were all covered in scrapes and dirt, had matted hair, and looked like they hadn’t eaten properly in a while. The oldest, and only boy, had sandy blond hair, and calm blue eyes, the youngest, also had blond hair, but she had grey eyes. Finally, the other girl had black hair and electric blue eyes.

The boy whispered something to the youngest one, and she ran off into the fruit aisle. I turned back to the others, to see them holding hands. They kept looking out the window and scanning the horizon as well. When the younger rejoined them, their hands broke away.

Suddenly, a guy with curly hair covered by a rasta cap, with crutches came in. He sniffed the air and started walking towards the trio. They stiffened, but the boy murmured something to them when he reached them, and it seemed to calm them down.

The kids followed the guy with the rasta cap out of my store. The older kids checked to make sure the younger one, who was walking along side the new kid talking adamantly, wasn’t looking, and they locked hands. I went to the fruit aisle, and realized that the little girl had stolen about $10 worth of apples, but decided to pay for it myself, considering their health condition. They reminded me of my daughter, Lou Ellen (AN Don’t know whether her last name is Ellen or not. Just gonna give her a common last name and say that that is her last name.) a demigod.

Maybe they were demigods. Their actions suggest it. The guy with a rasta cap was probably a satyr.

That was the last time I ever saw the blond boy, but I saw the other three with a black haired boy on the news about 7 years later. Must have been demigods.

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