Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

When I woke up in the morning my head hurt and I felt drained. Thank god it was the weekend and I didn't work until tomorrow. Jack was beside me awake. "Morning sunshine. How are you feeling?"

"Like shit." He smiled a bit as if to say he knew. "Here take these." He handed me a couple of ibuprofen. I did as he said. I got out of bed still in my dress.

"I wanted to put you into something more comfortable but I wasn't sure you'd be okay with that." He said.

"Jack its okay, I know you'd never touch me like that."

"You're right. Unless you asked." He smirked.

I smiled and shook my head. "Please tell me I dreamed last night."

"I'm sorry I wish I could." I sat down next to him and put my head on his shoulder.

"I've never felt my heart break before like that. I never imagined I could punch and slap two people the same night. Especially one that I love."

"We all do things out of anger babe it's okay that Beth bitch had it coming."

"If he didn't know how I felt before I'm sure he does now. I can't face him. This was all a mistake."

"You wouldn't change falling for him though would you?"

I looked at him with tears in my eyes again. "No." I whispered.

He hugs me. "Go get a shower and I'll make you some breakfast."

I smile. "You're the best."

"I know." I laugh and stick my tongue out at him.

I hop in the shower and try not to dwell on what happened last night. I get through it without crying. Mostly.

I get out and as I finish dressing I hear voices being raised. I walk out and Jack is standing in front of the door and on the other side Nathan is standing there.

He looks at me and I want to run to him but I can't he hurt me.

"Soph, will you tell this stupid jock to let me in."

"No, I don't want you here."

He looks shocked. "The least you could tell me is why you hit me and my date."

"My date" is all I heard and I went into a rampage. I tapped Jack and he moved back. He knew I was going to let him have it.

"Your date? She's a trifling bitch. She deserved it and you did too."

"What the fuck did I do? We were fine earlier and then you hit me."

"I hit you because either you don't care or you are just that oblivious."

"Oblivious to what?"

"I FUCKING LOVE YOU!" As soon as the words came out I couldn't stop anything that came after.

"I've loved you for a while. I dropped hints, subtle and not no subtle. I mean for god sake I bent over in front of you and you just walked away from me. I hate you because you were either too stupid to see or just too inconsiderate to care and acknowledge it. I saw you kissing Beth last night and everything just spilled over. I wanted to tell you how I felt and then I saw you with her. She knew I was into you. She used that against me because she could tell you didn't show any interest. I was so stupid to think that you could love or even like me back like that. Just please leave me alone and don't talk to me."

With that I walked in my room closing the door sliding down and bawling my eyes out again. I heard Jack talking but not shouting. I heard Nathan and then the door closed. Just then Jack tapped on the bedroom door.

I stood and he came in and grabbed me and let me cry again.

After I calmed down he wanted to talk but I shut him down. I told him I didn't want to hear anything about him anymore. We ate breakfast and then he said he had to get to work. I was left alone with my thoughts which sucked. I actually called into work hoping I could pick up an extra shift but they didn't need me that day.

I mainly cried and slept. I barely ate. I just couldn't. I heard someone at my door but I knew who it might be and I couldn't see him.
The next morning I woke up still feeling like shit but I had work today so that would make the day tolerable.

I get ready and head to the café. I work quietly unless something is said to me. Just as I'm coming from the back I see Nathan at the counter. He knew I'd be working. I stay in the back and Julie comes back. "Hey Nathan is looking for you and he seems worried."

I scoff. "Well tell him that I'm busy."

"What happened between you guys? You were so close."

"Yeah we were." Is all I said.

She turned around and I saw her talking to him then he looked down at his feet and then left. Thank god.

I went back to working and Julie didn't ask about Nathan again which I was thankful for.

I went home and not too long after Jack text me and asked if I wanted dinner. I said yes and he came by with some pizza. "You're a lifesaver Jack. I haven't eaten since breakfast."

He grimaced at me. "You shouldn't do that."

"I know but it's just hard you know."

We ate and talked about everything but him and then he left reluctantly and I went to bed. I was dreading tomorrow. It was back to school and I had to avoid him at all costs.


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