Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

4 Months Later

Nathan and I have been getting along pretty good and he has been making up for everything. He's taken me out on dates, cute ones, and laid back ones and even really romantic and pricey. He has done cute creative things like finding out my favorite places in England I haven't been to and taking me and then he knew I wanted to go to a museum there and one day he surprised me in going. He even got me tickets to Paris for my birthday because he knew it was my dream to see the Louvre. He told me I could take anyone I wanted that there was no obligation to take him but of course I was.

He didn't just buy me things. He spent time with me and we even learned more about each other. We spent night after night talking to one another. Jack and he were on better terms but Jack still didn't trust him.
I trusted him more and more each day. He had changed. He was even more of a gentleman. He talked with his mom about us and she said, "Well Nathan it wouldn't kill you to pull out a chair for the woman or hold a door for her once in a while."

I laughed when he told me that. I guess his mom was super pissed with what went down with us. She yelled at Nathan for about 2 hours on the phone because of it. She said she taught him better than that and that he was a dumbass for breaking my heart.

Have to say I agree with her. He however was now making it right. We were honestly closer than ever and we hadn't done much of anything sexual. I jerked him off and he fingered me twice because we were feeling really frustrated and we had an argument one night and I lunged myself at him and I started ripping his clothes off and I knew he was going to let me go there if I wanted but I stopped. It was the hardest it had ever been to stop that night. I was throbbing and he was whispering dirty things to me and I gave in and let him make me cum. I knew he was hard as hell so I had to return the favor of course. It was difficult to abstain from anything sexual but he said if I gave him a blow job or if he ate me out he wouldn't be able to stop himself from fucking me into mattress; which honestly was what I wanted but again not the time.

We started our second year already and he was as smart as ever. He was on the dean's list; had straight A's and was getting all kinds of awards and honors for his grades or any contributions and/or projects he was working on. I was proud of him. He was on the Math team. I didn't even know that existed until I saw Mean Girls to be honest. I know stupid me.

I attended every one of his competitions. I knew he loved that I was there even though Math bored the crap out of me and I never really understood most of what they were talking about. The class that we had shared the first year was hard as hell and if I had not had Nathan as a tutor and then this other guy Jerry I wouldn't have passed.

I was so proud he was doing so well. I was doing well too. I had a few awards and did some participating in certain things but I didn't have much time to do a lot plus work and school. I don't know how Nathan did it. He seemed like it was a breeze. My mind was stretched thin a few times where I just had to shut myself in and just lay in silence. I even broke down in front of Nathan once and I think he thought he did something because I was incoherent for a good hour and a half. I told him what it really was. He said he'd be back. He got me some ice cream, my favorite movie and we cuddled on the couch the whole night without any phones or interruptions. He was the best boyfriend anyone could ask for.

Jack and I were close but we didn't hang out quite as much just because I had Nathan and he had Marcus. We kept in contact and talked in school when we could though. He was going into law so he was also very busy with school because let's face it law is very vast and so it was very time consuming.

It was now Saturday and although it was my night to relax Nathan had his finals for the Mathlete's tonight. They made it to state. If they won this they go to Nationals which would be in about a month and it was supposed to be in Ireland.

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