Chapter 5

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Dinner was long and fulfilling. I guess that's what happens when you have a lot of money. I stare at my desert, unsure what it is and decide against it. They have a cake too, it stands as tall as a small child. Thatcher and I are at a table with Cash, Rule's parents, Maverick (who I assume is now alright), and a couple more family members I can't remember their names. I sit in between Thatch and Cash, and they're equally as full as I am.

"I feel like a stuffed turkey on Christmas Day." Thatch whines, pushing his desert plate away an inch. "I knew this wedding was gonna be big but I didn't think I'd gain ten pounds."

"They said dinner was going to be big but I think everyone underestimated it." Cash tells us, leaning back in his chair. "So Rach how've you been? I heard you went away."

I take it from his tone of voice that he knows I'm not with Marshall anymore. Part of me thinks he's asking on Marshall's behalf.

"Yeah I did." I tell him. "To visit our families." I gesture to Thatcher.

"How nice." He smiles at us. "Thatcher you said you were from Alabama right?"

"Born and raised." He smiles right back and I feel like I'm going blind from the whiteness of their teeth.

"My stepdad is from Alabama, what a small world." He leans forward on the table and him and Thatcher talk over me.

I feel a strong vibe of sexual tension between them. Guess that's what happens when you put two beautiful men at the same table. I let them ramble on to each other about meaningless things before I begin to get bored. I glance around the room. Marshall's with Rule and Ren and some other familiar faces at a table not too far from here. I can see him clearly from where I am. I look to my left and glance around Cash, Emmett's a couple tables over and appears to be having a good time. He's...laughing, and smiling. It's strange to me to see him in anything but a prison jumpsuit.

"Hey who invited Emmett?" I interrupt Thatcher and Cash's conversation, remembering that Emmett and Cash are stepbrothers.

"Oh, well I brought him." Cash says in a quiet voice. "He's been going to anger management and therapy, and it feels weird saying it but I think he's getting better."

"Does Ren know he's here?" I ask, a little annoyed at Cash for bringing him after what he did but then again the world does not revolve around me.

"Yeah but she didn't until she got here. I explained and she wasn't okay with it but also she wasn't necessarily pissed or even mad." He tells me. "I know its hard Rachel but trust me, he's changing."

I sigh and Cash rubs my shoulder in comfort. I glance at Thatch who looks a little jealous. After a couple more moments, I feel a presence behind me and turn around. Maverick is standing there in his tuxedo glory, holding out his hand to me.

"Dance with me?" He offers.

I'm not much of a dancer, but it's hard to say no to those dimples. He guides me over to the dance floor and we walk further in amongst other people. It's then that Mav pulls me into the stance for a waltz type dance.

"Follow my lead." He laughs, and the song changes to something soft but still a little upbeat.

Couples pair up with each other, and start to dance as well. Maverick is easy to follow, I can tell he's been doing this for quite some time. After a few steps he spins me and then pulls me back into hold.

"Can you believe it?" He asks me in our close proximity. "My brother, married."

"Again." I add and we laugh.

"So you went on a trip?" He asks, swaying us.

"Yeah, to Alabama and then California."

"Alabama?" He raises a brow. "What's in Alabama?"

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