Chapter 6

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~Rachel's P.O.V.~

Every hair on my body stands up when I hear his voice. After such a long time, it breaks my heart to hear it. The last time I heard that voice he was begging me to stay. He was choked up and vulnerable, practically on his knees, and I left him anyway. How can I face him after that?

"She's all yours." Emmett smiles at me and then at Marshall, turning his back and walking to his table.

"Do you mind if I..." Marshall asks from behind me.

I slowly shake my head. He presses his hand to the small of my back and then he comes in to view. My heart jumps as he takes my hand, holding it just beside his chest. It feels like lighting bolts are being sent from his hand, all the way up my arm, and into my heart. It's effecting every part of me. I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm going to cry.
The music starts and we move very slowly along with the pace of the song. I stare at his tie, afraid to make eye contact. We're in very close proximity, our chests lightly brush. I try my best to keep away, but he's holding me so close.

"Hey..." He starts and loses the rest of his sentence.

There's an awkward silence between us. I'm using all of my strength not to look at him. I can't believe I haven't walked away. I should've just turned him down and gone back to Thatch. This is the exact situation I was trying to avoid. I don't want to feel things for him, not now. When he touches me, my feelings intensify and I can feel my restraint fading.

"Baby, look at me." He says quietly as if nothing's changed.

I bite down on my lip, breathing hard, willing with everything I have for the tears to stay inside. I wish he hadn't said that. My throat burns, oh Marshall I miss you.

"I'm not your 'baby' anymore Marshall." I say, and the tears start coming, fast.

He moves my hand from our hold and puts it around his neck parallel to my other one. He holds me close, and places his hand on my cheek. I turn into his palm and more tears come, drenching his hand. He uses his thumb to wipe some of them away and for a minute I allow myself to feel nostalgic. He pushes a piece of my hair out of my face and leans forward slightly.

"Don't." I tell him, pushing him back a little by the chest. I gotta get out of here. This is too much. "I should go." I try to take a step away but I nearly trip and fall over my shoes. Marshall tightens his hold around my waist, securing me against his body with support.

"Don't go back over there." He says, trying to connect our gazes. "I just want to talk to you."

"Not here Marshall, not now." I swipe away some tears.

"If not now, when?" He asks, curling his fingers on my back. I can't help but think he's doing it to contain me. "I never see you, you don't answer my calls-"

"I'm not your girl anymore." I tell him, letting myself cry quietly.

"You are Rachel. You are until you give me some kind of explanation." He fights calmly.

"I have to go Marshall." I shake my head. "I have to get back to my friend."

There's a change in his expression. It's an angry one, how he gets when he fights.

"You're going back to him?" He asks, his voice hardens. He sounds hurt.

"What?" For the first time since we broke up, I look him in the eye.

"Just tell me one thing Rachel." I can see him getting upset, and he's avoiding my stare. "How could you move on so fast? Because I'd really like to know why I've been living in hell while you were off with somebody else."

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