Chapter 15

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The airport is really busy tonight. It's different now that I'm waiting for someone than actually boarding a plane. Marshall holds my hand tightly as he guides us to baggage claim to wait for them. We sit on a bench and I lean into Marshall's shoulder, surrounding myself with his warmth. I rest my head on his collar, gazing up at him.
I get hit with this feeling of nostalgia, for him. I feel secure sitting here with him, like nothing else matters. Looking at him he looks beautiful to me, even when he's just sitting expressionless. His eyes scan the airport for our friends. Those eyes, the ones I love so much. My sad feeling settles in my stomach, and all of a sudden I'm upset. My mind runs through our breakup, the wedding, the makeup. I feel so sad and nervous and awful about everything. I love him, and I can't believe I ever let him go.

"What's wrong?" He asks about my slightly watery eyes, rubbing my arm.

"Nothing." I tell him, shaking my head once. "I just miss you."

His expression changes and he kisses my forehead once. I wrap my arm around his stomach and hold him in a sideways hug.

"You don't have to miss me." He says, looking at me with, those. "I'm not going anywhere. You're it for me."

My chest contracts at his words. I'm it for him. He's it for me too. I've tried to stay away and be on my own but I can't begin to describe the emptiness I felt. I don't understand how I lived before him. And now I can't imagine being without him. I hug him tight and close my eyes while resting my head on him. I feel him lean down to my ear and his breath as he whispers.

"I love you." He says quietly, in the most innocent way possible.

I turn my gaze back up to him and try to restrain myself from doing things that are wildly inappropriate for an airport.

"Marshall I love you too." I look him right in the eyes, still holding him in my hug. "I'll show you how much when we get home."

"Don't tease me." He says, shaking his head once. "I can't handle any more of that."

"I promise I'm not teasing this time." I laugh once, kissing him lightly.

"Well now I want to leave." He tells me, moving his hand from my shoulder to my waist.

"Me too..." I lose my sentence, staring at his eyes and I swear I can see the ocean in them.

"Guys!" Rule's strong voice tears apart our moment, and we both turn our heads to see them walking over.

We stand and I try to step around Rule to get to Ren but he hugs me first, squeezing me once. He lets go and goes to hug Marshall too. I make my way around him and see Ren there. Something's different about her, I can't put my finger on it. I hug her too, longer than I did Rule.

"How was the trip?" I ask, pulling away from the hug.

"Amazing." She says humbly, smiling down at the floor.

Ren being humble? What the hell happened on that trip? She's never like this. Rule wraps his hand around her waist and pulls her to his side. I can see the exhaustion on them, fourteen hours is a pretty big time change to adjust to. Marshall offers to get going, pointing out that they look tired and Ren looks at Rule for a second.

"Actually." He starts, looking at her one more time. "We want to tell you guys something."

Oh god, I grab Marshall's hand and brace myself for what I think is coming. I watch Rule look down at Ren and smile again, I know what this is. I just want them to confirm.

"I'm pregnant." She says, smiling at us.

My instant reaction is joy, and I take that as I good sign. Before I know what I'm doing I'm hugging them both, congratulating them. Marshall's doing the same thing, and I can't explain how happy I am that I'm happy for them.

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