Untitled Part 2

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- Ouch! Mother that hurt! Could you be anymore insensitive?

- Come on Soph cut out the sarcasm. I'm trying to help you and you are acting like a baby!

- Me acting like a baby? I case you haven't noticed I have a huge bleeding crack on my head and I'm pretty sure my ribs are broken.

- And whose fault is that?

- Whoa mother not like I asked for it. I would like to know what happened also but now all I can think of is my pounding head and bed.

- Fine Sophie go to bed but we are having a talk in the morning.

I dragged myself to my old room and passed out on bed. Last thought that crossed my mind was – Was he alive?-


- No! – I woke up screaming. Obviously I was having a nightmare and the annoying part is that I couldn't remember anything but a flash of light.

- Soph are you okay? My mother yelled from kitchen.

- Yeah I'm fine, just a bad dream.

- Oh, alright. It's almost noon you should come downstairs. I'll make you some coffee.

I dragged myself out of bed and walked to the window. It was rainy outside. Being in my room again was kind of comforting. Blue walls and bookshelves full of my favorite books, tons of family and friend photos all over the walls, it was nice to be back. I left for summer vacation 5 months ago. I was done with high school and went to my grandmother's house. She lived in huge white house whit lots of windows. I liked it there. I had a whole apartment for myself. I helped her with tourists that came. It was just 5 minute walk from the beach. I walked to the mirror. My face was bruised and I still couldn't remember what happened. I brushed my hair and put it in a bun. I decided I was in a mood for leggings and old and worn out but comfy T-shirt. Walking downstairs I prepared myself for my mother's questions. She was sitting in kitchen sipping coffee and reading.

- Hey mom.

- Sophia why are you dressed like that?

- Well it's not like I'm going anywhere.

- I thought we should get you some new clothes and go for a spa day.

- Not in the mood for that mother.

- You don't have to be rude, I was trying to be nice.

How nice of her. She is my mother and trying to be nice. Who would expect that?

- If anything can you tell me what happened to you? You came last night looking horrible. I expect some answers.

- I don't know mother. I can't remember anything.

- But Sophia...

I didn't hear what she was talking after that. I was thinking about that nightmare I had. And that flash of light... What was it? Then it hit me.

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