Untitled Part 3

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It was so hot and I was sweating like a pig. My first day of vacation was going okay although I thought to myself few times I was in hell. Because it was really hot. Trust me, like really hot. My hair was still damp from the sea. I was lying on the beach and sun was burning. But lazy ass I am I wouldn't move from my spot. The kids were screaming. It was really annoying. I don't like kids at all. I think they are pain in the ass and I don't have nerves to deal with them. Anyway I was just thinking about getting up to get some soda or something when somebody blocked the sunlight, shadow fell on my face and I felt like I could see again. My sunglasses weren't much of a quality.

- Hey pall I was sunbathing! I said but I didn't see who I was talking too. The sun was too strong.

- Sorry, I just wanted to ask you if you would mind me and my friends settling here.

- No, no go ahead I was about to leave anyway soo.

And now my eyes adapted to the brightness and I could see again. And I kind of regraded that. In front of me was standing the hottest guy in the world and of course Soph would look like crap. It was a Sophie kind of thing. Looking horrible in front of cute guys since 1997. My mascara was probably all over my face. Anyway he was fugging perfect. You know abs, green eyes and good kind of messy brown hair. I was never skinny but I liked myself. I have long light brown hair and brown eyes. But damn that guy made me feel self-conscious. I sat up and pulled a shirt over my tummy.

- Leaving, already? I hoped we could chat.

- Um, um, you know I have stuff to do. Like real stuff. – Classy Soph, really classy way of getting out of that conversation.

- What kind of real stuff?

- You know serious shit and stuff. – Just keep making it worse Soph, you know you can.

- You sound like a busy woman. - He laughed.

- Well serious stuff is hard to do. – Nice Sophia. Now all you should do is find a shovel and burry yourself deep, deep in ground.

- Can I at least know your name?

- Sophia. Sophie. Soph. For daisy's sake! – I don't like people calling me Sophia. And of course I would ramble my full name just like that like I didn't embarrass myself just enough.

- Nice to meet you Sophia Sophie Soph. I'm Mike. – He was smiling and I swear I wanted to just jump in the water to cool myself.

- Call me just Soph.

- Okay just Soph. Would you like a beer? – I was stretched between going home and saving myself from further embarrassment and enjoying cold beer with the most perfect guy I ever met. Damn me and bad decisions. Hot guy and cold beer it is.

- Yeah I'd like one. – He turned around to grab one and I franticly started fixing my hair and removing mascara raccoon eyes. Now it's 50-50 that I made it worse.

- Here. – He tossed me one. Thank higher forces I catch it. You guys have no fugging idea how proud I was of myself for catching it. Usually I was clumsy. I mean it was so horrible. My family wouldn't let me help clean up table after lunch because there were massive chances I would brake something.

- What's funny? – He asked seeing me smiling to myself.

- Nothing just happy to have cold beer in my hands.

- You are girl that is easy to make happy.

- Yup, some like big rocks on rings, I like cold beers and big boobs. – Sophia Cole you did not just say you like big boobs.

- Fugging retarded daisy! I meant books! Books!

- Whatever you say girl! I don't judge. – He was laughing really hard and I was starting to release that this was a bad idea. But then again... I made him laugh... So that isn't that bad right?

- So what kind of boobs or books do you like?

- You know fantasy, crime or realistic ones.

- Yeah I totally know my fantasy boobs but realistic ones are not that bad either.

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