Untitled Part 9

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New part is here! If anyone is reading this story... I haven't been posting for quite some time but school is keeping me busy. If you kind reader are actually interested in this masterpiece leave some comments. Feel free to correct me, ad some thought about the story or lack of it.

Guess it's time for you guy to find out what's the deal with James. After Ben I didn't date anyone for months. Danny was teasing me I became a lesbo and I would steal his girls now. Nothing like that happened, I just didn't feel like dating. But then James came. He moved to our class and he was one of those silent guys with smart eyes. My biology teacher paired us to do some research project together. We started spending a lot of time together, found out we like pretty much the same things. He was smart and handsome and had good taste in music (which is really hard to find a guy with good taste in music by the way) and he was nice. He made me feel good about myself again. He never talked in class but with me we could talk for hours, or just sit in silence and read books. So one time we hooked up. It was my first time and it was perfect. It hurt a bit but later the feeling was amazing. After we just laid in my bed hugged, shared a cigarette and listened music. No words just silence but we understood each other. That's when I cached myself falling in love with him. After a month we started officially dating, Danny liked him, sex was good and we exchanged the first few I love you's. I really meant it when I said I love him. So after a year we had some fights but we always ended up making up but we built a stronger relationship. We traveled together to Europe for summer break and that's when he asked me to marry him. It sounds really cheesy but I really felt true love. It wasn't like Disney movies love, I could feel it thought the silence, through the smallest touches and through his breaths against my neck. It is totally different kind of love you feel for your parents, family, friends, and pets. This one you can feel in your body. You can't really describe it but once you feel it you will know what I am talking about. Back to my story about James. So when he proposed I said yes and we agreed we would wait till we both turn 21. We agreed that thing can change but they didn't. Another year passed and nothing changed between us. And then went on a 2 month long trip to New Zeeland with his parents. We skyped and kept in touch, long distance was hard but we suffered through it. Then he did the unforgettable thing. He dared to die. His plane crashed and he broke me. In million pieces. That motherfucker dared to die and leave me alone. When my mum told me the news it felt like someone ripped half of me. Painful and depressing. When something like that happens you keep replaying happy memories and feeling good for a second but then it hits you will never see him smiling, talking, laughing and you just feel worse by second. So maybe you expected some awesome cheating story or something like that, sorry to disappoint you. I was sad but then I told myself to be angry at him for leaving me like that. After all it is easier to deal with anger than with sadness. And I never truly got over James.

Mike looked at me. Worry flashed in his eyes. Now he didn't seem soo interested in sex or playful, just worried.

"You okay Soph? We can stop if you want." He asked taking me by my shoulders.

"I just remembered an old sad memory." Basically it's the only way to describe James after all the days I spent trying to forget him.

"Oh, you want to share it with me? Don't want to be pushy or anything you just seem upset." He sat up. And I told him about James. I liked him and I felt like I could fall for him really soon but I wanted him to know why it might take some time. After I finished my story he swiped two of my tears that got away and kissed my forehead.

"Sophie, I am really sorry you had to go through that." And then he just hugged me and laid down. For the rest of the evening we just smoked and talked. He was somehow different. He wasn't so harsh with his words, he wasn't teasing me or trying to fuck me. He was nice and gentle and peaceful. He talked to me about his first loves. Which were of course cheerleaders and extra pretty and popular. But I didn't mind, what you can expect from a good looking guy like him. And then he started to talk me about his parents. They left him when he was 3. His grandmother took care of him. And he never met them. I felt sorry for him, my parents aren't the greatest but it's nice to know you have them. We talked about books and music. I realized we had similar taste. It was painful how much he reminded me of James. That's why I was scared I would fall for him too soon. After some time I fell asleep. Still in his hug.

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