Untitled Part 6

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What the fugg?! What kind of an idiot put an alarm on my phone?! Lying on my bed I rolled to my night stand and grabbed my phone. Alarm was set up for 8am. I just turned it off convincing myself my phone was obsessed by some demon that just doesn't want me to get some sleep and rolled to the other side continuing to sleep. This bed is so comfy and warm and big and I don't want to leave it, ever. I was starting to fall asleep again and then I remembered. My shift at Little Pirate's starts at 9. Of course I would forget it. I jumped out of bed and checked my phone. Did this weird thing ever happen to you when you close your eyes just for a second and then check your phone again it's like puff from 8:00 to 8:30 in no time? If it didn't you should try it but keep in mind that is just works in the morning when you are running late but also very sleepy. Anyway that just happened to me and I had to get ready in 15 minutes. I walked to the bathroom, bumping into every wall because my eyes were still closed. I peed and washed my teeth and combed my hair. These are the days that I am thankful for my completely straight hair. I mean how lucky I am that I just need to comb it and that is it? I know the answer! Very lucky. Okay enough bragging. I did my makeup, eyeliner and mascara. Also one of my incredible talents, putting winged eyeliner without messing up, on both eyes, equally. It was hot outside so I decided to wear dark red dress with open back. I loved it. It reached above my knees and I felt amazing in it. And of course my pair of black convers. Guys black convers is the essential in my wardrobe. I go everywhere with them. I took my bag and tossed my earphones, phone, wallet, box of Marlboro gold and a lighter. That is all I carry in my bag. I never understood the girls that pack their makeup and combs and I don't know even dogs in their bags. Which I despise by the way. I rushed down the stairs, said by to my grams, grabbed my keys, plugged my earphones and started my walk to the Little Pirate. Arctic Monkeys were on full blast and I had three minutes to be on time. Running late full 2 minutes I arrived to the cafe. Fred wasn't there yet. Awesome! I don't have the keys to the café or his number. Having no idea when he is going to show up I got myself some coffee to go and sat on the bench in front of Little Pirate waiting for Fred to show up. I lit a cigarette and enjoyed the peace. Fred was in Harvard studying to become a lawyer but then decided that was not his call, dropped out and opened the Little Pirate. He put all of his savings into it and it paid off. His business is going great. People like Little Pirate. The music is good, it always smells like fresh coffee and it looks friendly. I'm not sure if it is okay to say that café looks friendly. Besides Fred I am the only other employee. So that's it about Little Pirate. Half an hour later Fred showed up looking all messy and his shirt was buttoned wrong. I guess someone had a morning quickie.

"I'm sorry I'm late I had this thing I had to deal whit..." He was trying to get some other explanation rather that he got laid.

"Oh is that thing a girl?" I teased.

"What? Pff noo!"

"You should zip your pants..." I just noticed his black boxers whit little skulls on them. I worked there for only a little while but me and Fred just clicked right away in a friendly way.

"Geez Soph where you looking at?" He chuckled.

"Pff I just couldn't not notice the skulls Fred."

"Hey shut up my boxers are totally awesome!"

"Okay just open the damn door old man."

"You young lady are talking to your boss." He tried to pull out the serious and scary boss voice but we both busted into the laughter after a moment of silence.

"Damn I have to work on that." Fred said opening the doors.

"Yeah you should. I'll make some coffee, could you put out the chairs and tables?" I asked.

"Yup." He was too distracted by something on his phone to give me a decent answer.

Fred was like a big brother to me. We teased each other and laughed a lot but we never had and romance between us. I started the coffee machine and went back in the storage to put away my bag and put on my apron. Fred used to threaten me that he will make me wear a beard and a pirate hat if I was a bad employee. I laughed at the picture. I looked myself in the small mirror. I looked good today. I winked to my reflection, made a couple of funny faces and walked to the coffee machine. I was gone for a minute and there were already people in the café. I walked to the Joe, one of our constant costumers.

"Like the usual Joe?" I asked and he nodded. The usual meant I will bring him coffee till 16:00 and after that whiskey. Joe was a quiet guy he almost never talked but I always wanted to know his story.

The day was passing fast between the servings and teasing with Fred. My shift ended at 10pm. I know it is a long working day but I am trying to save up for a new car so double shifts, why not?

It was getting dark outside and we were closing up. I was cleaning the tables when someone's arms wrapped around my waist. I turned around and got face to face with Mike.

"I told you I will stop by." He whispered. He was so close.

"Glad you did." I managed to mumble. I was going to say that I had to go back to work but he stopped me. By kissing me. And I am so glad that he did. He was amazing kisser. His lips wrapped around mine and it was so passionate that I thought I would pass out again.

"And I'm glad we finished that kiss Sophie." He said smiling. There was a moment of silence between us and air was thick. I just wanted more of his lips. He understood the hungry look in my eyes and kissed me again whit such force that I got turned on like seriously. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his slid to my butt squeezing it. Then he lifted me to the table and stood between my legs kissing me. He was so tall. And all I could think of is his lips so I kinda forgot that we were in my working place.

"Khm, khm." Fred faked a cough. Oh, my holly daisy this is embarrassing. I could feel my cheeks burning.

"Guess I'm not the only one getting some action today huh Soph?" Fred teased. By now I was a tomato.

"Um yeah, I, um you know was going to clean the tables and then he showed up soo... It is basically his fault."

"Yeah, yeah but I expect that that table will get extra attention when you are cleaning it. And open the windows it smiles like sex here."

"Will do." I said looking at Mike who was smiling.

"What are you smiling at?"

"Oh, just our first kiss went better than I thought."

I opened the windows and cleaned the tables while Mike was sitting on a bar stool drinking some liquor and talking to me. Fred walked out of the storage aka the changing room all dressed up.

"Now kids I am going to get some action. And yeah, don't do anything whit out protection." He said tossing me a condom. And I am back to being a tomato.

"I like your boss." Mike said. Of course he would.

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