Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

So I walked over to Haymitch's and walked in without knocking. Me Haymitch and Peeta have a thing about walking into each others house unannounced because we're like an annoying family.

As I opened the door,my eyes began to sting from the stench of alcohol and vomit. I sighed and pinched my nose together while going on a search for Haymitch.

"Haymitch?" I yelled through the house after getting no response I began to tear up, I don;t know if it was because of the smell or Peeta. "Haymitch Please!" I pleaded.

"Okay sweetheart, I'm here." He slurred.

"I've messed up, Really bad. I don't know what to do!" I sobbed. He sighed. I was distraught, I love Peeta and I'm never gonna have my chance if this is how I treated him after a mistake an amazing mistake.

"Tell me, what did you do?" It amazed me how he went from being drunk to sobering up in the space of minutes.

"I slept with Peeta." I cried. He didn't say anything, my head in my hands and I stared at the floor tears silently making their way down my cheeks as he took in the information. The only noise to be heard was the sound of Haymitch's geese clacking away in his back yard.

"You did what!" He screeched. "I thought you knew better than to mess with that boys heart! You did enough of that in the games."

"I know and I'm sorry, it's just I love Peeta and I didn't know how to tell him because if I told him I might hurt him even more and I don;t want to do that. We drank a little bit too much last night after we both had a nightmare." I explained avoiding his eyes.

"Well, I'll tell you what to do, Go and speak to him.Tell him what you just told me. Tell him last night was a mistake but you would change it for the world. Give him a kiss even if it's your last. Give him one last hug in case this is the end of that star crossed lovers." He said, I sighed.

"Do you think he will still wanna be with me?" I asked. I was being stupid. I knew that I wanna be with him but I don't know if I can do this as well as being a role model for the whole of Panem.

"Of course he will be, he's loved you since the age of five. Something stupid like this isn't going to change that. I know you're scared because of what happened with your mother when your dad died but not every relationship is like that. Katniss sweetheart, there's nothing to be afraid of." He said softly patting my hand.

I stood up and walked out the door and made my way down the path and to Peeta's house that brought back memories of the night before.

"Peeta?" I called out into the empty huge house. "Are you here?" I yelled through the house.

He emerged from the kitchen with flour covering his beautiful face. "Hey Katniss," He wiped his hands in the apron. "Did you forget something?" He asked walking closer.

" No, I want to talk to you about last night." I explained plunking down onto the plush sofa.

"Okay, talk." He said taking a seat next to me.

"I've just spoke to Haymitch, I just wanted to tell you that I may not remember last night, I still had fun but it was my first time and I wanted to remember it and cherish it forever."I explained tears dripping from my cheeks.

"I understand Katniss, it's okay." He soothed stroking my head.

"I messed up Peeta, I hate this." I sobbed. There was no response, that didn't matter.

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