Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

When we got to the train, I went straight to my room to avoid Mr Mellark. I fell onto my bed and sighed.Being back here, was like going into the games once again. This journey to the capitol was going to be a nightmare. I don't want to be reminded of all 22 kids that died so Peeta and I could live.

KNOCK KNOCK. I groaned. I had an idea of who it was and I really didn't want to talk to him.

"Come In." I mumbled. I was laid on my stomach propping up my head with my hands.

"Hey Katniss." It was him. Mr Mellark. "Can we talk?" He asked. I nodded not looking at him. He said down by my feet patting my leg.

"Okay, I heard about what you and Peeta did." He started. "I just wanted to ask you, what was your thoughts when you were...involved in these.... These..... Activities?" He asked. Slowly, I sat up.

"mmm.... I don't know, I was intoxicated and it just sort of happened. All I remember is liking him kissing me and then falling asleep." I reminisced.

"So you liked it?" He asked. I nodded. "Do you think that maybe you could love him...someday?" He asked.

"I don't need a someday because I already know I love him." I confessed. I saw a smile take over Mr Mellarks soft features.

"Really?" He asked. I nodded.

" Yeah, I think I always have since the day I saw him in school just like he liked me." I said.

"Okay, well... Tell him soon." He said standing up rubbing my leg before walking out. I relaxed back onto my bed and looked at the ceiling.

Just as I was beginning to rift off another knock on my door woken me.

"Katniss? Can I come in?" I knew that soft voice anywhere. Peeta.

"Sure." I said groggily. He came in and laid down behind her. I snuggled further into him to try and fall to sleep.

"Come somewhere with me." He whispered into my ear, his breathe tickling my neck.

"Where?" I mumbled half asleep.

"To the roof." He said standing up pulling me with him and up onto our secret place on the roof.

"What are we doing up here?" I asked as I watched Peeta Lay out a blanket he took from a hole in the wall that he must have stored their earlier.

" I just thought that with being on the train again, I would take you to the only place that doesn't hold any bad memories but lots of good ones. Well in my opinion." He said with a grin. I smiled as I thought back to the night before the games.

"Thank you."I whispered shooting a smile at him.

He wrapped his arm around me as we sat down. He pulled out his sketch book and pencils that Snow gave to him as a gift. He began drawing me as I curled into his left arm watching as the pencil lines became a face and all the facial features were in perfect places. I looked at Peeta with Amazement. How could he draw me when I'm not sat in front of him?

"Because I have took in all your beauty over the past few weeks." He said, I looked at him.

"Did I say that out loud?" I asked. He laughed and nodded. I fell asleep thinking about Peeta and My night not so long ago. How magical it was.

"Katniss....Katniss... Wake up...." It was a soft voice whispering in my ear. I opened my eyes slowly to see Blue eyes staring right at me.

"Hey." I whispered.

"I thought you'd like to see this." He said pointing out to the skies above. It was a sunset. My favourite thing about Peeta...

We watched the sun go down a little more before Peeta stood up disturbing my comfortable position. He picked me up bridal style and carried me back to my room and laid me on my bed. He tucked me under the covers and turned towards the door.

"Wait." I said grabbing his arm. He turned to me. "Stay with me." I whispered. He got into my bed beside and and I curled into his side just like up on the roof, this was only comfier.

"Always." He whispered as I feel into a deep sleep listening to the steady beat of Peeta's heart.


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