Chapter Twenty Five

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Chapter Twenty five

A few days after Snow's death, we were getting ready to go back to our district. Peeta and I have been planning on what to do with the other districts now we're presidents. But we've come to a conclusion. We're going to get red of the woods and bring the districts together so everyone in every district will live with one another but keep their old jobs or teach others from other district their jobs and mingle with Peeta who've lived different lifestyles. The capitol will still be separated from the others but Peeta and I will have our home in victors village so we can go stay whenever we wanted. The victors front he 12 districts will still be bathed in riches and jewels living in a better house than the other citizens but the citizens will also have a better lifestyle than they did.

We were taking Johanna, Finnick, Enobaria, Gloss and Cashmere back with us to help gather our things into the hovercraft. We were also taking Nate with us. We finally found out the boys name.

For the next few weeks, I have been feeling nauseous. I haven't thrown up or anything or thought anything about it until the past few days. I've kept it a secret because I have a hunch on what it could be but don't want to tell anyone until I'm sure it is what I think it is. I just don't want to get Peeta's hopes up because this is his dreams.

"Are you all ready?" I asked standing up. The hovercraft wasn't landing because it would be too dangerous to the people of 12. We were paired up with a parachute and we had to jump from the air. I had Peeta and Nate with me which made me relax. I was afraid of jumping on my own but when I felt Peeta's arms around my waist holding me tight, It made me relax and I was fine jumping as long as he didn't let go.

We began rummaging through the victors village. My house Haymitch's house and Peeta's house. We took everything sentimental value. Peeta grabbed all the painting equipment and backing tools. I grabbed pictures of my dad, the herbs for my Mom from the kitchen. Her and Prim were starting to work at the hospital in the Captiol that will treat anyone from any district. We had a hard time catching the geese that Haymitch wanted to take to the Capitol with him. I saw a picture of Haymitch's district partner when she was in the games. Maysilee. I tucked the picture into my game back knowing he would want it to remember her.

"Okay, we're all ready let's go." We all legged it and the whole of the district was making a path for us to run through. The hovercraft was close to the ground but didn't land. We all threw each other up into the craft. I threw Johanna and passed her Nate. Cashmere threw me and the boys threw her and Enobaria. All the boys jumped up on their own except Peeta who needed help with his prosthetic leg. Peeta and I waved to the district who we had known our whole life.

"Thank you Katniss and Peeta for making Panem a better place." This warmed my heart. The girl couldn't me much older than Prim. I hadn't spoken to her directly but I had seen her around school.

"You're welcome Hunny." I yelled over the noise of the hovercraft as it sealed us all in ready for the flight to the capitol.

Once we all got back, we all sat in the conference room planning in more depth on what's happening in the districts now Snow isn't in charge. But I had to leave, I had an appointment with a doctor.

"I've got to go somewhere, I'll me back soon. Make a list of ideas and I'll look over them when I get back."I said pushing my chair under my desk.

"Where are you going? Are you okay?"Peeta asked. I nodded at him smiling at his worry.

"Yeah, I have a meeting at the hospital to try and get Nate's file to see if he's had any injuries or something because he's become very clingy."I lied. Well, it wasn't all a lie, Nate was becoming clingy to me. I didn't want to tell him the real reason, I wanted to find out for definite.

I got to the hospiutal. I walked over to the receptionist who was popping Gum obnoxiously loud and her feet her up on the desk. I was going to see if she changed when she noticed who I was. ]

"Hi, I'm here to see Mrs Everdeen." I said in a sickly sweet voice.

"Name." She asked shortly. I raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything.

"Katniss Mellark." I saw her face change from a scowl to a smile that seemed forced. She turned to look at me took her feet off the desk. She took her gum out and popped it into the bin.

"Oh Mrs Mellark. Nurse Everdeen will see you shortly."I smiled to myself. The effect I have on People was pretty amazing.

I sat down reading a magazine for a few minutes before my mother came out of her office. "Mrs Mellark." She said professionally. I saw people around me turn to look at me and watch as I walked into my Mom's office. I think they knew I was her daughter and that they thought that since I've been in the games that I would think it's easy and that games will continue. Ha. They thought wrong,

"So Katniss, what was so urgent you had to come here." She asked sitting next to me on the bed.

"Please don't be mad." I pleaded.

"Mad about what? Katniss you're scaring me." She whispered placing her hand on my knee.

"I think I'm pregnant." I whimpered.

"Oh." She said eyes wide in shock, When she saw my expression her face changed, "I'm not mad Katniss, You're a married women and almost 17, I can't tell you not to have intercourse. Especially with your husband. "She said rubbing my arm. "Lets see if you are pregnant, shall we?"She said getting up and I laid on the bed.

She grabbed a jelly substance and place it on my stomach., I screamed as the coldness came in contact with my stomach. "Sorry, I should have warned you." My Mom said apologetically.

I looked at the screen in front of me and saw a black and white object on the screen.

"That there Katniss, is my Granddaughter." She said with a huge smile before wiping the goo off me and giving me a hug. "Congratulations." She said. I smiled not being able to form any words.

I left the office and went back to the conference room, I was scared of seeing Peeta because He'll be able tell something's wrong. When I get there, the only people there is Peeta and Nate.

"Hey how'd it go, did you find Nate's file?" I shook my head.

"No, but I found out something else." It was now or never.

"What?" He asked pulling me into his lap. Nate was in the corner playing with some cars Prim brought for him. He was completely oblivious to the conversation and the intimate position Peeta and I were in.

"I'm having a baby Peeta. You're going to be a dad!" I said, He sat there staring up at me as if I grew a second head.

"I'm going to be a dad, a real dad. Oh My God!" He whispered to himself in disbelief.

"Love me?" I asked kissing him softly.

"Always." He replied with a hand on my stomach. Me Peeta Nate and our unborn child. The perfect family.

Love Me, Always (Reuploaded)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant