Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

After the lie I told my Mom, I just wanted to leave and go back to him. I was embarrassed at the look my Mom gave me. It was one of those pointed looks, the one that states that a mother knows best.

"I don't believe that." She smirked.

"It's true!" I protested. My voice made a high squeak showing my lie.

"Oh Really, Well how about I call Peeta over and ask him?" She asked. "Prim would you go and get him please?" She asked again.

Without a word prim walked out the door, I plopped onto the couch and laid there covering my eyes.

After minutes of silence Prim came running in with a scared look on her face. "Prim?" I asked uncovering my eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know." She stuttered. Peeta came running in after her.

"Prim." He panted "Are you okay?" He asked wrapping her arms around her.

"I'm fine, I'm sorry for..." She indicated with her arms something I didn't understand.

"It's okay." He soothed.

"What's going on here?" I asked sitting up.

"I walked in on Peeta in the shower." She explained. Their faces were identically red. I laughed at their embarrassment.

"Oh God." I laughed. "At least you got to see him naked. I never get to see him with no clothes." I teased, Peeta and I locked eyes. He knew that wasn't true, just last night, we were both naked and wrestling in bed for the first time in sixteen years. Although I'm not sure about him.

"Katniss!" My mother scolded.

"I'm sorry." I replied holding back my laugh. Peeta sits on the plush sofa next to me wrapping his arm around me

Hours past as the four of us enjoyed spending quality time together. Thankfully due to the shower incident my Mom forgot all about the nightmare lying thing. Peeta and I didn't move from our position all evening. I was curled into his arms resting my head on his chest.

"So, How is it being a victor?" My Mom asked handing him a cup of tea.

"It's nice I suppose, I miss having to share a house with my brothers and getting up before dawn to help in the bakery but I'm getting used to it." He explained his eyes showed the sadness clearly, I felt sorry for him. I didn't know what I would do living alone in this big house without my Mom to go to when I needed help.

Now that I thing of it, Peeta and his mother didn't get along but his father was always supporting, I don't see why he's still with that witch after all he put up with, I hope that the confrontation yesterday will help;him realise this.

"You always have a family with us." I told him lifting my head from his chest.

"Thank you. I-" He was cut off by the shrill ring of the house phone that was attached to the wall. It had taken days of Haymitch testing us all on how to use the phone before any of us got the hang of using one.

I moved from my spot to answer the phone. There was sort of a unspoken agreement that because I won this house I should answer the phone and we also don't know anyone in the district that owns a phone other than the mayor so I couldn't be Gale or Prim's friend it was most likely someone from the capitol wanting to speak to me.

"Hello?" I said into the receiver.

"Hi, is a Miss Katniss Everdeen there?"The lady on the other end asked.

"This is she," I replied looking back at the three curious faces sat on the couches. I gave them a shrug.

"Hi Miss Everdeen,This is Rachi Cartilge. I am President snows secretary."

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