Chapter 60: One Year

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Joey POV

I woke up this morning like a normal day, shower then sit out on the patio checking all my social media. But today was a pretty special day, at least for Daniel & I. It was our one year anniversary. One year ago I asked Daniel to go out just for some coffee. Look how far that's gotten us. We're inseparable. Spending one year together in Greece is awesome too. I planned a wonderful dinner tonight and just lounging around at the beach today. We'll probably just order room service for breakfast, have a nice little feast in our room. I went back inside and sat beside Daniel as he was sleeping, he looked so peaceful and cute sleeping. I sat back and closed my eyes, reminiscing about all of the wonderful memories we have made this year. There are so many good ones. Like our first kiss or his first time sleeping over, seeing him for the first time sitting at the bar alone, looking handsome as ever. All of the award shows we've been to together, how handsome he looked.
I felt Daniel grab my hand, I slowly opened my eyes, smiling in his direction, he was looking up at me with a huge smile on his face. I leaned down and gave him a little kiss. He grabbed my neck and kept me in for an even longer kiss.

Daniel: So one year.

Joey: What a year it has been.

Daniel: I know, so many memories that I'll never forget.

Joey: What's your favourite one so far?

Daniel: Can I say all of them?

Joey: Nope. Only one. *pecking Daniels lips*

Daniel: Ok, probably when I moved in with you, I felt so serious at that point, I thought nothing could ever go wrong, but things did but that's normal.

Joey: Ok Mr. Serious, let's just keep with the happy memories.

Daniel: So what was yours?

Joey: Hmmm Montana, when we left everyone alone and went to that lake. We swam and went in that little cave and we said that we loved eachother for the first time.

Daniel: Mm I like that one too. So what have you got planned for us today?

Joey: I thought we could just have a fun day at the beach and then I have dinner planned later.

Daniel: Sounds good love. *kissing Joey*

Joey: Why don't you get ready and I'll order some breakfast.

Daniel: Ok ok.

Daniel hopped in the shower and I ordered some room service. Daniel got out just before they came. Daniel just had a towel around his waist when they came. I just ordered some eggs, toast and some fruit. They left and we began to eat, we sat out on the patio. It was an awesome day out, not too hot, sun was out, a few white puffy clouds. It was a perfect day. I don't think I've seen Daniel eat so fast.

Joey: Woah, hungry?

Daniel: Just a bit.

Joey: *laughing* We should really get changed soon.

Daniel: Ya that's probably a smart decision.

Daniel got up and went back inside to put some clothes on. I followed shortly after. I put a tank top on with my white, blue & red bathing suit. Daniel wore a tank top & his light green and purple bathing suit. We threw some stuff in a couple bags and started walking to the beach. Holding hands, smiling proud. We got to the beach and decided to go far from everyone else, after about a twenty minute walk on the beach we found a perfect spot with only a couple people in sight. We set up our spot and I immediately ran into the water. I dove into the beautiful water. I turned around and motioned Daniel to come in with me. At first he denied my request. I ran out of the water towards Daniel and picked him up and brought him to the water to myself and I threw him in.

Joey: Wooo!

Daniel: Oh that was a mistake Graceffa! 

Daniel got up and chased me around the water and I think he gave up with chasing me so he jumped towards me and tackled me. He grabbed my waist and pulled my bathing suit down a little bit. I went down from his tackle and quickly pulled my bathing suit back up to its normal state. Daniel started laughing histerically.

Joey: Daniel! Oh my gosh, could you imagine they went all they way down!

Daniel: Ya, I think everyone would enjoy that, especially me. *wrapping himself around Joey*

I started to feel my face get really red and hot.

Joey: Oh stop you perv. *winking*

Daniel put his lips softly on mine and started kissing me with passion. I started kissing him back. We had a full make out session in the ocean. That goes off my bucket list! We stayed in the water for a little bit more and then we went back to our spot and just relaxed for the rest of the time. It was such a peaceful evening. When the sun was starting to set we started walking back to the hotel to get into some nice clothes. When we finished changing I almost passed out in amazement by how good Daniel looked.

Joey: Oh my God. I am one lucky son of a bitch!

Daniel: You? I am. You look absolutely amazing.

Joey: Thank you handsome. *winking*  Shall we go now? *putting out his hand for Daniel to take*

Daniel: Indeed. *taking Joeys hand*

We left the hotel and got to the restaurant. We sat outside to watch the big orange sun set. We were the only ones outside, it was so romantic and quiet. It was perfect. We ate a wonderful meal and walked back in the light of the moon. Holding hands, my head was on Daniels shoulder. It was such a beautiful clear night.

Daniel: Thank you for this Joey.

Joey: Thank you for allowing me to go out with you in the first place. It's gotten is this far and I hope it lasts forever.

Daniel: Me too. I love you.

Joey: I love you. *pecking Daniels lips*

We eventually made it back to the hotel and when I was about to sit on the bed Daniel turned me around and pushed me down onto the bed.

Daniel: One year sex?

I grabbed his shirt and pulled him down and kissed him.

Daniel: I'll take that as a yes.

After we had sex a couple times we passed right out. I really wanted to sleep in tomorrow. We were leaving around 2pm. So hopefully we can sleep in a bit and just cuddle in the morning.


Let's be real, it's been no where near a year, but for the sake of what I think is their actual anniversary, why the heck not! Haha hope you guys liked this one:D Thanks for your support! Means a lot! Any questions, comments or concerns please please please ask me!! Comment or message them. I will answer anything! Remember to comment, favourite & add!! Thanks a bunch!! =D

Joey Graceffa & Daniel Preda: A love story (Janiel fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora