Chapter 75: Road trip

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Joey POV

Daniel and I were getting ready to go on a trip to Boston. We weren't flying, we were driving. We were leaving at 12 today. We packed up the car and went back inside to eat and go for a final swim before we go. We just relaxed in the pool, it was very calming. We dried off and went inside, double checking that we packed everything. Daniel, Wolf and I left the house around 12:30pm to head for the road! We've never had a long road trip together!

Joey: This is our first long road trip!

Daniel: Yeah! The furthest we've gone together is Vegas!

Joey: Yeah, but this ride will be so much fun.

Daniel: Yeah for the first few hours until you get tired and I drive while you sleep and on and on.

Joey: Yeah okay, whatever! We'll still have a good time. And we're going to see our families! How awesome is that!

Daniel: Yeah, no one is expecting us.

Joey: Besides Nicole!

Daniel: Of course! Can't forget little Nikki!

Joey: Please, she's older than both of us, if you call her little Nikki to her face she'll go ballistic!

Daniel: Yeah well I'm taller!

Joey: Yes, I know Mr. 6'1!

We were about 2 and a half hours in and Wolf was getting really anxious. I got off the highway and we went into a little plaza. Daniel went into a corner store to get us some water and some snacks! I stayed near the car by some grass and let Wolf do his business. We drove down the road a little and found a Starbucks. We got a coffee each and went back on the highway. We were having a lot of fun in the car together. After about six hours of driving I was getting tired, so Daniel took over and I went in the passenger seat, took my laptop out and started to edit the vlog for today. Daniel drove for a solid eight hours and we pulled off in Colorado at 1am. We went into a motel and crashed right away, we were both so tired! Wolf slept so great. We had a seven hour sleep, ate some breakfast and got back on the road. Daniel started us off at 9am, holding my hand and singing songs. Daniel drove for 7 hours and he got super tired and went in the back seat and took a nap. I drove for 8 hours and we stopped in Illinois and slept in another motel. We got up and hit the road for hopefully one last time. I started our journey for today and it was quiet for the most part, Daniel was working and Wolf was sleeping, there was no traffic, an open road. I drive for 9 hours and Daniel drove for the rest of the way, we made it into Boston at 11pm. I texted Nicole what hotel we were staying at and to meet us at a nearby Starbucks in the morning. We passed out right away. We didn't even unpack anything. The hotel bed was so soft and cuddly. I cuddled into Daniel and he squeezed me tight and kissed my head. We slept for 11 hours straight.  It was such a good sleep.

Joey: How was your sleep? Still tired?

Daniel: *stretching* No! I'm wide awake and feeling good! I can't wait to see everyone.

Joey: I know me too!

We got out of bed and started to get ready to go meet Nicole. We got there first and ordered our drinks and some breakfast. We stayed outside with Wolf and waited for Nicole to come. She came about 5 minutes later.

Nicole: Hey Joey. *hugging Joey* Hey Daniel. *hugging Daniel*

Joey: How've you been?

Nicole: I've been awesome! How are you guys? Obviously good since the proposal?

Daniel: Never been better. *putting his arm around Joey and smiling at him*

I smiled at Daniel and Nicole went in to order. Once we all talked for a bit we followed Nicole to my dads house to surprise him. We made it to his house and he was so happy to see all three of us. We spent the whole day with my dad and we went back to the hotel.

Daniel: That was a fun day.

Joey: For sure!

We stayed up till 11 and fell asleep in each others arms, very peacefully.


Sorry I didn't update yesterday!!! I was super busy all day.

Thanks for your support! Means a lot! Any questions, comments or concerns please please please ask me!! Comment or message them. I will answer anything! Remember to comment, favourite & add!! Thanks a bunch!! =D

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