Chapter 17

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God, this was frustrating. She already felt exhausted from work and now she had to deal with annoying soccer moms with about twenty kids trailing behind them, judgmental old ladies hogging all of the aisles she needed to go down, and the wail of what sounded like a phantom baby echoing throughout the grocery store. She already had most of her stuff, she just needed some fucking healthy food so she could feed her vegan girlfriend.

Suddenly, there was a tap on her shoulder and she turned around to find said girlfriend holding a hand basket with only a box of cupcakes inside.

"Hey babe, I couldn't find the chips you wanted, but I did get cupcakes. Although I don't know why you put this junk in your body. It's not good for you."

Ah, yes, the age old argument that they always have when grocery shopping. Natasha is a mostly healthy but occasionally indulgent potato and Elise is an obsessive vegan who would call her out every time she indulged in anything just the slightest bit unhealthy. Natasha knows Elise just does it because she likes to get under her skin, which is why she never gives any of her veggie guru comments any extra thought. Besides, it only happens when they go grocery shopping.

"I already got the chips. And cupcakes are delicious, cupcake." she answered with a smirk and a wink before scanning the aisle she was in for an exit that wasn't blocked by rude middle-aged women with horrible cart-pushing skills and oblivious children who couldn't stand still.

"It's disgustingly delicious...What are you looking for?" Elise asked, scanning all of the places as Natasha to see what was holding her girlfriend's attention.

"I'm looking for a way out of this food trap. If I stay in this aisle any longer, I'll end up buying all of the marshmallows and we won't have room for your rabbit food." she teased, earning a slap on the arm in response. She smiled through it, though she was seriously considering buying some marshmallows. They would probably go well with the neverending condiments in the refrigerator and pantry at home. She rolled her eyes at the thought.

"It's not rabbit food, although I think you're just saying that because you're grumpy and wanna take it out on me by getting on my nerves." Elise said, poking her in the side.

She scoffed and crossed her arms defensively to keep the poking from continuing (It always did with Elise).

"I am not. I mean, sure I'm grumpy, but that's because I hate grocery shopping on Saturday afternoons when there's always too many annoying people here. I'd rather stay home and cuddle or spend my time with you somewhere else to be honest." she answered with a slight pout.

Elise still didn't look very sympathetic, so she dropped the pout with a sigh. When her girlfriend was on a shopping mission, she meant business. There was no room for theatrics.

"I also can't find any of the stuff you like, because usually you get it. And if we don't leave within the next ten minutes, that baby's crying is going to drive me insane. You will actually have to send me to a mental institution." she defended, doing her best to fight the urge to just grab the chocolate chips nearby. Seriously, the aisle with baking ingredients was not the best place for her.

"Okay, wow. Uh, first off, the fruits and veggies are in the produce section, not in the baking aisle. I know this is where the little junk food GPS in your head likes to lead you, but c'mon. And you should really learn to find stuff for me. I get your food all the time."

"Hey! That's because the food I like is easy to remember and I don't ask you to get me stuff with really weird names that you can barely pronounce. And I'll have you know that I'm only in this aisle because I was looking for that wheat germ stuff you always get. I figured it would be where the flour is." she reasoned.

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