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Hi guys.

This is Kiki again with a bit of an announcement just so that this can reach anyone thinking of what I'm about to talk about.

Ever since Kay passed, I've been getting messages of people giving their condolences and what one would usually hear after a loved one dies. However, there have been some really fucked up people who have posed as reliable confidants only to get close enough to me to ask about Perks and whether or not Kay had chapters she was working on, if I know how the fic was going to end, if I plan on continuing Perks myself, etc. And I like to think I'm a very patient person since I've been putting up with this over and over again since June of last year. Not that everyone or even a majority of you have done this. I actually made a few good friends through the messages people have sent me, and I'm very grateful for all of those who reached out to me with pure intentions and support. You have no idea how much you helped me get through all of this and I thank you for that. However, due to those who only want to talk to me to get their hands on more plot details or whatever, I've been reluctant to respond for a while now.

So I am going to try to address a few issues that have come up through the conversations and requests I've encountered with these people.

1. No, I will not be continuing Perks. I am not Kay, and while I do write myself, I could never do her characters justice. They are hers, not mine. Plus, that just puts me in a very uncomfortable position, because this story was a significant to our relationship since a lot of the themes and arcs covered were based on real life events in each of our lives. I don't feel comfortable opening up barely healed wounds for the sake of fanfiction. So no thank you.

2. Yes, I am okay with tribute fics. I have communicated with people who wanted to dedicate chapters to Kay, which is fine. I also personally know someone who plans on writing a whole story dedicated to Kay which is so sweet. However, I draw the line at using her characters. Please, don't do that. And I don't mean using the same celebrities in your fic. I'm not claiming Jordan Fisher or Lauren Jauregui as Kay's work. However, the specifics of those characters and their life stories are hers. She created them. Just clarifying. If you do want to do a tribute chapter or something, you can, but please let me know about it just as a courtesy, not a requirement.

3. Yes, Kay did have a certain way she wanted Perks to end, and had a few versions of it written. And yes, she had a few other half-finished chapters written out. As many of you who were reading this as she wrote it already know, she was taking a bit of a break to get some life things sorted out. However, she kept writing. Still, I'm not going to post any of it, because she was not ready for them to be put out there, and most of them aren't finished anyway.

4. I won't be responding to messages from now on. I've had too many misleading conversations and dealt with too many exploitive jerks. Also, there are way more to respond to than I thought there would be. You can continue to message me if you would like. I might read them still, but I don't feel comfortable answering anymore.

And last but not least, 5. No, you cannot finish Perks yourself. I've had way too many people ask me this thinking that if we become close enough friends, I'll agree to them finishing Perks as if I trust them to do it more than myself. I don't mean to come off as rude or condescending in any way, but I'm not going to give anyone permission to finish Perks. If I'm not doing it, no one is. That is where I draw the line.

Now, I don't know if this will help cull all of the requests I've been getting about the continuation of Perks from my messages or not, but I just had to finally say something. Thank you again to the people who were really there for me and continue to be there if I need to talk. Things have been going well recently, and you guys are big part of that.

Thanks for your time,


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