Chapter 3

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I was woken up by someone shaking my arm and whispering my name, I slowly opened my eyes to see Luke standing next to the bed, smiling.

"Come to the shops with me, I can't sleep and need a slurpee" he said.

I rubbed my eyes, and slowly sat up.

"Erm, sure...but I have no clothes" I said.

"Just come in what your wearing" he said, as he waitied patiently for me to get up.

I slowly got up, putting my shoes on running my hands through my hair, as Luke leaded the way out of the house he slowly shut the door trying to not wake anyone up, the night was still dark.

"What time is it?"

"2 in the morning"

"Oh my god" I laughed, as we walked down the patio from his house and walked in the night breeze.

We were silent for a moment, untill Luke tried to spiral some conversation.

"So why did you move?"

"Long story, I dont like to talk about it"

"Is it bad?"

"Yeah" I sternly relpied.

"I saw some scars on your legs, how did it happen?"

My whole body froze inside, as I asked myself how on earth could he of seen them.

"Oh, I had a cat really vicous" I laughed so did he.

"They can be" he laughed back as we walked inside a store.

He walked over and started pouring himself a Mango Slurpee before turning back and looking at me watching him.

"You want one?" He asked.

"Nah, I dont have any money"

"Don't worry, Im paying"

"No you can't"

"Its fine, what flavour do you want?"

It took me a moment before I smiled and walked over, picking up one of the cups pouring a Cherry Slurpee, as we walked over to the counter and Luke handed him money.

"Thanks" he said, as so did I to the man at the counter.

As we walked out and drank our drinks, I thanked Luke.

"No problem, and Im sorry for being a idiot the other night, you know sitting on my phone and that"

"Oh, I didn't mind" I said, sucking on my straw once again.

I turned my eyes and watched Luke sip his drink, as I looked back down smilng.

We got back to the house, and sat on the sofa in the living room. Luke looked up at me as he stopped slurping.

"Well, what do you wanna can go back to bed if you want"

I shook my head.

"Nah, I wont be able to sleep now" I replied back.


I nodded, my head as I sat down on the couch.

Luke walked out, and came back with two quilts and some DVDS.

He shut the door and told me, he was doing it because he didn't want anyone hearing us, then laughed to himself at his statment.

He put a DVD in the player, as he sat down passing me one of the quilts and sitting at the other end of the sofa.

We kept laughing and making small comments and jokes about how crap the films he had chosen were. He kept kicking my legs every so often too keep me laughing and smiling. I kicked him back resulting him standing up on the sofa and playfully kicking me again.

Luke jumped high on the sofa and landed straight on my stomach, I hitched at the pain and held my stomach as Luke lie on my pain inflicted body as I burst out laughing.

He quickly covered my mouth with his hand before I stopped laughing as he silently laughed sitting back down playing footsie with me.

We finished watching films, and sat in silent for a moment.

"Let's go to bed Luke" I said.

He nodded stringing himself up.

We both stood up as we looked at each other.

I shut my eyes. Before picking up the quilt.

"Come on" I said as I led the way out.

We walked into the room to find 3 sleeping boys. It was pitch black and I couldn't see anything.

We couldn't turn on the light, as they were sleeping.

I touched around to find my way around the room before I grasped Luke's arm my breath sharply in took.

"Shit sorry I didn't know where I was going"

We both laughed as he covered my hand still on his arm with his.

"It's this way" he said guiding me along to my bed.


"Night again" he said back as he climbed up back into the top bunk.

For the second time, I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

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