Chapter 50

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That week flew by and the next thing I knew I was at my house getting dressed in my smart clothes getting ready for one of the biggest days of my life.

I straightened myself up and all the boys came in wearing their suits. They all had straight faces.

"Hey, stop looking so serious guys" I stuttered while laughing but accidentally let a few tears out at the same time.

James came and wrapped his arms around me.

"This should go well. We are all here for you" he mumbled into my shoulder.

I hugged him tighter.

"And if it does go well..victory piss up tonight" Daniel said making the mood lighter as we all laughed.

"We will get pissed either way" I smiled as the boys agreed.

All the boys walked out except Luke.

He looked so down.

He came over and hugged me, slowly running his fingers up and down my spine.

"Listen whatever happens today. I love you and you have us"

"I know Luke"

We walked down hand in hand as Jai, Daniel, James, Beau, Gina and Lindsay all waited for us looking glum.

"We're not going to a funeral. Cheer up" I joked as nobody laughed but cracked small smiles.

We headed off to the court room all getting in cars with, me Luke Beau Jai and Gina in one car and Lindsay, James and Daniel in the other we all silently drove to the venue.

Nobody spoke on the way the only movement was Luke holding my hand and rubbing his thumb tip against mine to ease my nerves.

I swallowed the extra large lump in my
throat as we pulled up to the large building.

We all got out walking over to the other car being greeted by everyone else, we all breathed slowly before finally agreeing we should head inside, my breath hitched but a hand grabbed my shoulder which was Jai's reassuring me my friends were here for me.

Walking into the enormous place, we was greeted by barristers and what not all walking around trotting on with their jobs. Large paintings scattered on the walls and gold barristers on the stair case. It was very posh, green carpet was met as we made our way up the stairs Lindsay leading the way as she had the details of what room we was needed to go to.

Luke walked beside his mum and the rest of us all just seemed to cram together and walk up the large stairs my hands gliding up the shiny bars as I then realised I was in the same building as my dad.

I breathed in and relaxed myself I had to face my fears he couldn't hurt me today as I had a lot of professional workers here and probably police officers.

I didn't even care if his sentence was short, I wanted him punished so he knows what it's like to feel alone and trapped and empty like he's made me feel for a while now.

I made sure all my cuts on my wrists were covered up and hidden so nobody could see them as we sat down outside the court room waiting for our hearing to be adjured.

I texted Maisy letting her know I was here as I has been keeping her up to date with the craziness.

My phone then lit up with a reply.

From: Mais

Good luck today. We will have to get together soon. I miss u. I love u.xxxx

We all waited patiently as everything seemed to be moving very fast, we got called in by a young woman who guided us into the large court room which had a lot of brown benches and green seats below where the barristers and lawyers sat.

We took upon the brown bench as a tall woman came over to us her hair pushed back and small amounts of makeup on her doll like face.

"Hello you must me Lindsay" she said shaking her hand.

"And you must be April" she said her posh tone making me smile.

"I'm your lawyer today, I've read over the case and I will be here to support the evidence to help comprehend and summarise the final sentencing"

I nodded at her words not really know what she was on about all I knew was she was here for me to get him taken down.

An hour later the main man came out and took his seat, looking around at all the people swarming into the room as I stared at him he met my eyes not even cracking a smile, I gathered he was the main one to make the decision.

"Order in the court room" he said smashing his brown hammer down onto the thick piece of wood as everyone took their seats in silence now.

My mouth went dry and empty as I felt so nervous knowing it was about to start.

He stood in his place and held the paper in his hands.

"We're here today to subject section 4098 chapter 8, of child abuse from the first party of Mr.Ronni Maiden against the second party of Miss.April Maiden"

He nodded, sitting back in his seat.

"Miss April Maiden is seated on row 7, in a white shirt and black skirt, please raise your hand" he said staring straight at me.

I was stiff, but I felt Luke's warm hand on my leg causing me to shake back down to earth as I raised my hand up in the air.

"Thank you"

"Mr.Ronni Maiden, is sitting in row 9 wearing a burgundy shirt and black trousers, please raise your hand" he asked.

I slowly felt the shock knowing he was behind me.

The whole court room turned to look behind, as so did I, my head slowly copping around meeting his face his hand raised up slightly his eyes meeting mine his face straight.

I gulped shifting back around.

"OK. Now. Before we move on to the two main party's we have two witnesses. Mr.Beau Brooks and Miss.Lily Maiden"

I scanned the name Lily in my head before realising it was my mum.

"So let's proceed. We would like to call our first witness, Miss Lily A Maiden to the stand"

A familiar blonde figure emerged from her seat as I watched my mother who seemed sober for once, she walked over in smart clothes, she walked up and sat in the seat next to the judge.

She pushed a bit of hair behind her ear and smiled at the man, who was shuffling papers in his hands the man walked over to the judge and pushed the sheets on his desk.

"So let's get straight into this, Miss.Maiden. Have you ever physically abused your daughter, like your partner Mr.Maiden?"

She shook her head.

"My ex-partner. We've filed for divorce and no. I have never physically abused my daughter"

I nodded, she hadn't ever hurt me.

"Okay, and we realise that you may have verbally abused your daughter while under the influence of alcohol is that correct"

"Yes" she replied. "Yes and I was wrong"

Why was she admitting defeat I said as my wide eyes watched her speaking.

"And you're currently in rehab recovering from being a alcoholic?" He then asked her.

She slowly nodded her head.

"Yes, and I'm so sorry April, I shouldn't have treated you that way. I'm trying to get better" she said looking up at me her eyes burning into mine as I couldn't look at her as I bent my head down to look into my lap.

"Thank you Miss.Maiden. That will be all" I heard the judge say as I looked up at her heels clanking on the floor.

"Okay. Moving on. Next witness to the stand, erm...a Mr.Brooks, Beau Brooks?" The judge spoke loudly.

Beau stood up fixing his suit, brushing it down as he walked past me I mouthed 'good luck' he sent me a strong smile as he hurried down the steps into the main area, sitting on the seat as he became hot seated with questions.

"So Mr.Brooks. You was there on the night of April being attacked. Could you explain, more on what happened"

Beau then fully described the night which the boys found me brutally beaten at my dad's flat.

I tried to block Beaus words out, as I then span around and looked at the evil face of my sad excuse of a father, he was biting his nails as he listened to Beaus story.

I blocked out the rest of Beaus speech as I didn't want to upset myself and be reminded of that night I needed to stay sane and not cry, as I needed to stay strong and confident.

"Thank you Mr.Brooks"

Beau nodded and got up smiling making his way back to us. Walking up the stairs he shuffled past us all making his way back over to the seats.

"Okay now onto the main parties, uh..." He said as he scanned his paper.

"Miss.April Maiden, can you come and be seated please"

I gulped my stomach dropping.

Luke rubbed my leg and nodded slightly telling me that he was here and not to worry.

My stomach fell to the pit, and I stood up slightly shaking I made my way down taking the stairs slowly as my legs turned to jelly, I was scared of falling.

I got to the bottom not looking around as I knew who would be looking at me.

The judge furrowed his eyebrows and then told me to be seated.

I walked up the smaller steps and sat down in the leather brown chair, looking at the man in front of me as he handed some papers which I was unknown on what it said, his eyes scanned it as the other man looked at his papers.

He looked at me and raised his right hand.

"Please raise your hands and repeat after me" he spoke as I did so.

"I swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth" he hummed.

I repeated his words as he nodded.

"Okay April. You are 16 years old is that correct?"

I nodded nervously.

"Okay, and looking at your medical records. You have depression and self harm problems. Is that also correct?"

He had jumped straight into it.

I looked up Lindsay who was crying into a tissue.

I nodded again

"Yes, that's true" I swallowed.

"Okay, April can you tell us a bit about your mum and dad"

I glanced over at my mum who's head was bowed down, she looked ashamed. I felt some what sorry for her.

I looked up at my dad who had a smirk on his big red face, he was pure evil.

"Yes. My-my dad. He's beat me several times and my mum she's never hurt me, she could say nasty stuff but was nowhere near as bad as him, he had bruised and cut me, he's burnt my arm on one time before too" I explained.

I wasn't scared, he couldn't hurt me now.

"He's slammed my face into walls, pulled my hair" I carried on.

"Can you see your father in the court room today April" he asked.

"Yes" I said slowly.

"Can you please point him out and tell me what shirt he's wearing"

I raised my finger and pointed.

"He's up there, burgundy top and bald head" I described.

"Thank you, and we have some photos of your injures I believe, Lindsay your auntie has brought in" he said walking over and opening a brown envelope then sliding them into a machine to make the photos come up for everyone too see.

"Do you recognise these injures?" He asked.

"Yes, they're mine" I said.

"Ok. And who did this too you?"

"My father" I shook.

I nearly started crying as my voice quivered.

"April" he softly spoke. "I know this is hard. We just need the truth"

I smiled.


"No need to be"

The talk just went on into deep details about him hurting me for another hour before finally I could go back up.

"Thank you Miss.Maiden. You can return to your seat now" he smiled as I returned with a weaker one my legs turned back go jelly again, I made my way back to my seat.

Sitting down Luke immediately hooked his hand onto mine lifting it up and kissing it.

He then lent forward into my ear and whispered, "well done, you did great"

"Okay, Mr.Ronni Maiden, please be seated on the seat"

It was all silent in the room as we waited for him to move.

He let out the loudest most modest laugh I had ever heard.

"I'm not speaking. This lying c*nt has said enough, I refuse to speak. Get me out of here"

"Mr.Maiden please be seated the judge said in a more toned voice"

We then heard footsteps and shuffling, rushing down the stairs, he stopped right next to him making my eyes wonder to his face his whole face purple.

"You little prick" he said lunging forward nearly falling on me his hand nearly fully punching me but only slightly knocked me.

Luke stood up and pushed him off and two police guards rushed up and pulled him away cuffing him from behind.

"You c*nt. You'll get hurt when I get out believe me" he swore.

"Enough" the judge shouted slamming the wooden handle.

"Have the jury made their desicion" he clearly and loudly spoke.

A woman from the jury stood up.

"From what we can see Miss.Lily Maiden, hasn't physically hurt her daughter and is making a change for the better. We find her...not guilty"

"From Mr.Ronni Maiden, we can clearly see he's not willing to speak and the evidence shows he's hurt his daughter on more than one occasion, and from his act just now we can see he's a violent character"

"And how do you find the defendant" the judge asked.

At that point everything in the room went silent. I swear I could even hear my own heart best quickly waiting for this moment that will change my life.

Luke's hand gripping my hand tightly as I looked over and Lindsay and Gina were holding hands.

The woman looked straight up at me.

"We find Mr.Maiden...."


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