Chapter 19

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I walked through the tunnel like hallway, that lead onto my flight. People surrounded me, I felt lost without anyone guiding me along the way, but then I just remembered that the flight was only 2 and a half hours long and that I'd be in Brisbane in no time.

I got to the enterance of the flight door, as a woman in her uniform greeted me, asking me for my ticket. I placed in into her hand "Thank you, in you go" she told me as my body walked into the crowded flight. I made my way down the small gap between all the seats, looking for my seat whispering the numbers untill I found mine.

I walked to the window seat, placing my body down and relaxing into the comfort of knowing the rush and panic of flighting was over, I placed my hands in my lap looking out the window, my heart dropped. I miss everyone here already, but I was only away for a week not the rest of my life. Looking at all the other planes and the lights shining through the windows in the airports made me feel more safe, knowing there was people everywhere flying around.

I looked over as two young boys around my age, sat beside me. The one sitting next to me noticed me looking and smiled, as I did back. They sat down and then he thought conversation may be appropriate.

"First time flying?" he smiled.

" I went when I was younger, can't rememeber it much though" I replied my nerves washing over me.

"Oh, well my first time flying too...don't worry im shitting myself" he laughed, knowing he was scared too made me feel okay.

As everyone boarded, the boys introduced me to them, and told me about there wild week away they was going for, they were going to visit their friend in Brisbane, pick him up and then getting the next flight to Spain for a wild lads holiday, I smiled at this as I thought it was nice as his first holiday would be with his friends.

The flight attendants gave their saftey talk, and then let us all buckle in and speak amoungst ourselves.

The plane ran along the road calmly, as I held onto the side of my seats, looking out of the window.

Me and the boy, as I now knew as Jack, was laughing our worries off to eachother, as the flight took of into the air, It didnt seem as bad, as I felt relaxed.

Well there's no going back now, I thought.

Me Jack and his friend, James spoke for the whole flight duration and I got to know Jack more than James as he had fallen asleep. But it was easier speaking to Jack as he was sat right next to me.

"So what takes you to Brisbane?"

"Going to see some friends" I said smiling.

"Cool. Whats their names?"

I wondered why he was asking me, but it was for conversation he didn't want me making things off putting if we sat there in silence.

"Oh, Daniel, James, Beau, Jai and Luke" I said.

"What? So you're going to Brisbane, to see the fucking Janoskians? Thats sick! We love them boys, watch all their youtube vids" he said exited.

"Really?" I said amazed at how he heard of them, It was crazy knowing they had fans etc but I never thought he'd known of them!

He spoke about how crazy their fans were, and how funny their videos were for a good 20 minutes and then thought it would be a good time to stop talking about it as only 10 minutes flying was left, and he was trying to wake up his friend.

The flight had gone so quickly because I had someone to speak to, which was nice.

The flight landed, hurting my ears because of the loud sounds and everyone un-buckled.

The people infront of us got out first, and then the back was next. I walked infront of James and Jack, as I was so happy to be here. Because it was half 4 in the morning the light outside was fairly light and still dark at the same time. I was thinking about booking myself into a hotel and coming back in the morning but I couldn't afford to miss the boys, or whoever was coming to get it.

We walked all the way back into the main airport, but Jack and James still was behind me.

"It was nice meeting you, hope too see you soon" he smiled.

"Yeah nice meeting you" I said back, as he nodded and shook my hand causing me to laugh a bit, as he dragged his suitcase behind him and walked away with his friend.

By the time I had found somewhere to eat, it was 5 in the morning. Normally I do not eat this early but the flight had left me somewhat hungerd.

It was right next to the main office where I needed to drop of the charger and wait for Luke. It was crazy thinking i'd be seeing him in two hours, but it seemed so much longer away.

I ordered my food, and ate while sitting gazing at all the people, some landed here and some were about to just to take off.

Gazing after I had eaten for an hour, it was now 6am, my eyes were full of sleepiness, as I wished I had slept on the plane but would of been impossible as Jack and James wouldnt stop speaking to me.

I walked down the stairs to main front desk, as young tall blonde girl stood there grinning at me as I walked over.

"Hello, how can I help" her high tone spoke.

"I was going to ask if you could do me a favour"

She nodded.

"Well I'm trying to surprise a few friends with me, coming to the airport. I've told them that I've mailed you a laptop charger that they needed, and I think only one of them coming, but just ask for their name and if any of these names come up please tell them it's been delivered here"

She nodded widely.

"Just write their names down here, on who may come"

I jotted all their names down on the paper and smiled.

Going into my bag and getting out the parcel with the charger in. I had wrapped it up in a bubble wrap envelope so they knew it had been mailed here.

"Thank you" I said.

"No problem" she stated, smiling at me.

We ended up chatting for another 15 minutes which caused us to end up at half 6 am.

Half an hour till they come.

As I sat in a place they wouldn't see me and waited.


I woke up at quarter to 7, we had a free day to do whatever we wanted to do today, so I was wondering why I was bothering to go get my charger so early.

But I knew I'd leave it till last minute, so if I got it early I could edit the video this morning.

I got up, quickly putting on some clothes and noticed my room was empty.

I wandered down the hallway to what was supposed to be James and Daniels room and knocked...after waiting for ages, Daniel came to the door half asleep.

"What?" he mumbled.

"Thought you slept in my room and are Jai and Beau in there?" I said trying to peer in.

"Yeah I came back this morning needed my phone charger, but Im going back to sleep in here now and yeah they're asleep, in here...they got a bit to drunk last night" he laughed, but I could see he wanted nothing more than to go back to bed.

"Alright, well sorry for waking you, I'm going to get my charger, see you boys when you all recover from your hangovers" I joked.

I walked down to the lobby, I walked outside to the hot air. I really wanted to just stay in bed all day today and do absolutley nothing.

I called a cab, and waited outside the hotel as the cab pulled up.

I told him to drive me to the airport, that I needed to go too as my body sunk in the back of the cab. I thought about what the boys must have been up to last night, and laughed at memories of Beau drunk, hes always the funniest.

I then arrived at the airport, payed my cab and made my way inside.


It was way after, 7 and I was nearly asleep, my whole body sleepy and worn out. I pressed my head to the back of the wall, thinking where on earth was they and when was they going to come. The lady who I had spoke to at main reception kept passing me warm smiles, as she knew I was bored of waiting. I hoped that they would come the time they had said and that I wouldn't have to wait for hours for them to come.

Then I wondered if they had over slept, and had forgot about it, or something bad had happened.

Maybe this was a stupid idea after all, maybe the boys wouldn't even want me to come back. Just when I felt like crap and so tired, I got up and put my suitcase in my hand.

I didn't have time to sit back down, as I saw the farmiliar boy walk in.

His blue skinny jeans, and shoes walking along, his legs perfectly complexed and walking in turns with a oversized baggy shirt hanging down his upper body, brown hair with his what used to be streak through, that was sinking its colour away, sprawling across his face messily, his plump lips and sleepy eyes resting on him, with his lips rings standing out as he chewed on them walking up to front desk. He hadn't seen me yet.

He walked up and I could hear his faint voice speak to the woman.

She did not realise who it was until he spoke his name as she looked down at the paper with the list and smiled. Handing him the package, he thanked her.

My whole stomach sunk and spun, butterflys and nerves washed over me.

He turnt around ready to leave and words could not escape my mouth. I was breathless, and worn out and just exited.

Luckily, his body turnt looking down at the package he looked at the other side of the airport, pondering on the others around him...Then he looked on the side I was standing. He looked straight into my eyes, as they burnt, then he looked back down to the parcel.

Then realising what he had seen, he froze in his spot.

I quickly looked at the lady at front desk, as she looked at him then at me, and back and forth.

His eyes hooked onto me, he stood in a state of shock.

"April...." he said slowly "APRIL" he shouted, before running over to me, placing his warm hand on my shoulder to make sure I was real.

"Suprise" I said my voice high.

"What the-what the-"

"Oh you don't want me here do you? Shit. Im so sorry" I said, as he still looked shocked.

He then, grabbed the back of my neck with one hand, and burned his eyes into mine, tugging my head forward and kissing me lightly on my lips, his then kiss became forceful and intimate, his other hand now wrapped around the back of my neck, we was squashed together, pressing our lips togehter, slowly moving our mouths. He pulled his lips apart from mine, resting his and my foreheads together, as he whispered.

"Holy shit I have missed you"

His words made my stomach spin widly, with happiness. Knowing he had wanted to see me and missed me, as much as I did.

"I can't believe you've come out here!" he screeched.

Grabbing my hand forcefully, he pulled me out of the airport. I spun round and waved at the receptionist, as she grinned hugley and smiled back waving her hand.

"Urgh, fuck sake I just want to litterally kiss you and kiss you"

I smiled, do you ever have the feeling you just want to squeeze someone so tight because of who they are, and the way they act, thats how I felt.

We grabbed a taxi and Luke just stared at me the whole way back and kept saying things like, I still dont believe this, I wasnt expecting this, etc etc.

He is adorable.

We got back to the hotel, and lets say things got steamy. We couldn't keep our hands off eachother for example. Luke stopped so speak to someone in the lobby about another door key as he had lost his and I couldn't help but running my hand up his shirt.

The same with him, as he couldn't stop giving me small pecks and hugging me loosley.

We went outside the room, and he told me we had the room to ourselves.

When we entered the room, I placed my suitcase up against the door and then turned around to be pinned up against it.

I could feel myself getting turned on, as Luke was being so different but I liked it.

"Normally I wouldn't do this but I haven't stopped thinking about you" his voice spoke.

He lent down, and kissed my neck before slowly sucking on my skin, harshly and leaving marks around my collar bones, and in the middle of my neck. Sucking harder and harder, I moaned knowing he was leaving love bites all over me.

He then pushed his lips into mine and waved them together, they moved so perfectly against mine, that I tangled my fingers up in his hair, getting lost with it, as his tounge, traced around my bottom lip before moving into my mouth, as we fully snogged. Sounds so cringe to say that, but thats what was happening as our tounges moved together, we had never kissed as heated as this as I found myself still kissing Luke and moving our bodies together over to his bed, as I pressed his body round, the light in the room was dim, but we could still see eachother perfectly fine.

Luke flipped us over, so he was above me stopping our kiss, and ripping his shirt off, gazing at me.

He grunted which, was so hot as I sat off, flipping my own shirt off, leaning forward and kissing him.

I lay back down, and completley forgot about my hip.

His hands gliding down my body, made my back arch untill, he looked down at my stomach, and sighed.

"What the FUCK is this" he said harshly, combing his hand over it.


"Fucking NOTHING? Are you FUCKING kidding me" he looked so angry and dissapointed at the same time.

"Come on cant we talk about this later"

"NO. I don't like you doing this for fuck sake. You need to stop, I am here to help you. You have to rememebr you dont have to suffer alone" he sighed.

I lay there akwardly, in my bra and jeans.

"Look, please try and stop for me?" he said.

"Okay" I said.

He then started to look upset, and tired.

I sat up and hooked his neck pushing his neck sideways, kissing it like he had to me, and then sucking harshly on the skin like he had to me, leaving heavy marks, which was causing him to moan softly.

He pushed me back down as I could see the purple mark on his skin already.

He grabbed hold of my jeans and ripped them off throwing them to the other side of the room, as he tugged his own off, and threw them too.

Licking his lip ring, he lent down, as he pressed his body up against mine, we still had our underwear on, but Luke grinded himself up against me, causing us both to moan, in exitment and plesaure.

I was still unsure, what the hell was going on but I knew we had missed eachother and was just over exited to be together, and it felt so right.

He grinded himself up against me, as I could feel him growing, as It pressed against my lower self.

His heated lips, traced across my lips and kissed them before getting up and going over to the draws. Fishing around before pulling out a silver squared packet, he looked at me and raised it up to make sure if I wanted to go further, I nodded and made him come back, as he pulled down his boxers and placed the rubber on his very, very large self.

As Luke took of my pants, he laughed but sexily.

I was nervous because it was my first time as he soon realised that.

His hand reached down to my area, as his large fingers swirled around, and found my sensative areas, as my head flinged back, and I moaned happily, which turned Luke on. He then stuck, a finger inside, which caused me great plesaure, but I didnt want Lukes wonderous fingers inside me, I wanted him. As his finger, pumped in and out, over my plesaure I heard Luke mumble.

"Now, Ill go softly first and let you get used to it, then if you want we will do it how I like" he fumbled, pulling his finger out, and popping it into his mouth as I watched him drag it back out.

His huge arms, leaned over me as he pressed his chest into mine, he moved around as I could feel the tip around me.

He slowly pushed in, causing me great pain, as I winced.

The pain overwhelmed me as Luke did not move, as a tear strolled down my cheek.

Luke pushed his hand up my hips, to reassure me I was safe.

Wiping the tear away with his thumb, he asked me if he should carry on.

He then slowly pushed in and out in and out and repeated this several times until the pain died down, as I felt myself getting happier, and well wanting Luke more.

"It doesn't hurt as much now, do it how you want" I said.

He smiled, as I ran my hands down his abs then up into his hair, down to his neck lightly, he came down and started kissing me, harshly.

His body then started to move so much faster, as his moans escaped more rapidly.

My nails, dug into his back.

"Uh yes" he said, obviously enjoying my move.

He was going really hard now, pushing himself back and baging really harshly, causing the headboard, to crash into the wall. My moans were now more and more vaciant, as it felt litterally amazing. My stomach span with butterflys again, as he groaped his hands round my hips and used them to slam our bodys together.

He kept moaning my name, as he insisted I did after, but I felt the urge to anyway.

His rapid, and hard movements, were nowing getting harder and faster.

Him kissing and sucking my neck once more, Luke asked me if I was nearly ready to have our finish.

I moaned out a yes, as he slammed and slammed our bodies together several times before, his 'orgasm' shouted out, as so did mine.

My whole body washed with plesaure, as Luke took the wrapper, off. Threw it in the bin, put his underwear back on and lay down, giving me mine too, to shove back on.

"Fuck. You are tight" he said his voice torn and worn out, his breaths quiverring.

"That was the best feeling ever" I said to him as he found that sexy, apparently and kissed me once more, as my hair flow from all angles out the pillow, he rested down beside me, wrapping his arm around me and I lay on his bare chest, still trying to catch my breath.

"That was the hottest thing" he laughed, tiredly.

As we both fell into the laziest and deepest sleep ever.

Self Harm, Depression & The JanoskiansWhere stories live. Discover now