Chapter 71

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I awoke from my long sleep to see that it was 7 o'clock and we were leaving at 9, so that gave us all 2 hours to get ready.

I stretched my arms widely before my hands pushed into something.

I span my head to the side and noticed that April was sleeping next to me,

When the hell did she get here?

I shook her arm and slowly called her name as she groaned and turned to the side pulling the covers over her.

"Oh no you don't" I said pushing my finger tips onto her neck and tickled her,

She moved quickly before shouting,

"Okay! Okay! I'm awake!" She laughed as I stopped I knew that would wake her up.

"So when did you get here?" Laughing slightly still surprised she was here.

"What's the time?" She asked,


"Woah I've been here for a while then" she laughed.

I rubbed the back of my neck with my hand and smirked at her.

"What?" She said catching my smile.

"I say..." I said leaning over her body, "we have some fun, before we leave tonight"

"I say, maybe we should wait, I'm still achy from the other night" she slightly laughed.

I pouted in sadness as she copied mimicking me.

"Aww baby, are you sad" she said in a funny voice.

"I just want you so bad" I laughed my hair slightly falling on her head.

She pressed her thumb on my lips and gliding it along.

"Come on let's get ready, we have two hours" she told me pressing my chest to get my body off her, as she jumped out of bed and ran out to take a shower.


She came back half an hour later and had her hair wrapped in a towel, along with another towel wrapped around her body.

I stood up and went behind her wrapping my arms around her waist and placing my chin on her shoulder, she let out a gentle laugh as she rummaged through her clothes picking something to wear to the airport.

"See I could quickly take this towel off you and-"

"Luke stop" she said laughing.

I laughed through my nose, and let go of her wiping the water off my chin.

"I'll go wake the boys up" I said about to leave.

"Already done" she called.

"Good" I replied as I then started getting ready myself.


Once we were all dressed, I had my jogging bottoms and a loose shirt on as I didn't want to wear anything uncomfortable on the plane.

April had the same, with grey joggers and one of my shirts which at first she was wondering wether or not to wear because she thought she looked stupid but I loved her wearing them as they were slightly too big and her smell that she left lingering on them after always relaxed me when I wore it.

"I look silly" she moaned.


"Because I'm where jogging bottoms and a boys shirt" she said tugging at it in the mirror.

"April, you look fine. I'm not having you wearing jeans and a tight shirt on the plane it's uncomfortable. When we get to LA it will be late. It doesn't matter" I told her.

She sighed and nodded, "I guess you're right"

"I'm always right" I said cheekily.

"Of course" she said sarcastically.

She then sat down and started straightening her hair, and combing it as she did and I watched her as she did so.

She then started on her makeup shortly after and I still lay and watch her, as she watched me staring at her through the mirror.

She smiled and carried on.


I left April to it and went and joined James who was in the kitchen on the phone to his mum.

"Okay see you at the airport-oh...okay, yeah...see you soon" he said hanging up and giving me a wide grin.

"Your mum still coming to the airport?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yeah"

I then grabbed some juice from the fridge and poured us both some gulping it down.

"We always wear the same shit" he cackled.

"Always joggers and trainers to the airport if we arrive somewhere late"

"I guarantee the fans will be still waiting for us though, even though it will be late"

"Well I know some are already there from their tweets and it's a very long flight till we get there isn't it like 14 hours?"

"Something like that"

"Shit what about April, they'll see you with her, us with her" James quickly pointed out.

"I want to see the fans, we will let April walk out first, pretend she isn't with us, she can wait in the car while we walk through"

"For her own safety that's a good idea but I don't want us keeping her a secret. She will want to come out with us and they will see her at some point, the April could get mobbed. But she's a friend of all of ours" I told him.

"But she's your girlfriend"

but they don't have to know that just yet. They will know one day, I'm just scared James" I admitted throwing my face into my hands as he rubbed my back as a kind gesture.

"I know you are man, but- maybe it will work out. Just take your time, don't stress were going out there because we have interviews and a premiere to go too, and to enjoy ourselves. Don't worry about this"

I nodded, and washed out of my mind and looked at my phone.

Just then, someone knocked on the door, and I shouted to my mum to get it.

I looked as she opened it,

"Are they ready?" Lindsay said quickly as she was taking some of us in her car.

I ran to get April as she had her shoes on already which were just plain white converse.

Seeing her wearing joggers and a loose shirt even turned me on which was so weird.

I shook that off my mind too and she hurled her suitcase out of the hallway a outside to the car.

I did the same and shoved it in the boot along with Aprils into my mums care as James also followed out and put his into my mums too.

April ran back in to double check she as everything and to grab her phone.

She came rushing back out as James was sitting in the front passenger seat I watched Jai, Beau and Skip shove their stuff in Lindsay's car and climb inside.

April got in and was holding her phone in one hand and a small thin blanket in the other.

"For the plane" she said shutting the door.

I nodded, and rested my head back looking out of the window.

As we made our way to the airport.


We soon arrived to be greeted by James mum and Daniels dad.

April stood there awkwardly and didn't speak as she had never spoke to them before.

James mum walked over and made small talk with her saying how she had heard good things about her from James which made her face light up.

We walked into the airport, which wasn't that busy.

We all wandered over to check out, and handed in our booking details and passports as they checked them we sort off looked elsewhere.

The man handed them back to us,

"That's six flights too LA at 10pm you have an hour and a half till your flight leaves. Please when your ready make your way up to check in, just up those stairs and place your suitcases here please" he said politely.

I nodded and we all placed out suitcases on the in taker as our bags were dragged to elsewhere.

We walked back over to everyone and I went and hugged my mum as she gave me a sloppy kiss.

"Be good, please. I will miss you, I love you" she said tears blooming. She always found it hard leaving us.

"We will FaceTime you" I reassured her.

She nodded as my brother then took over.

I said goodbye to James and Daniels parents and then goodbye to Lindsay.

April was hugging Lindsay still and Lindsay was in tears,

"Be safe. It's your first time out of the country" she whimpered.

It was true she had only ever flew to Brisbane which is in Australia.

"I will. I love you" she said kissing her cheek.

"Bye babe" she said as she waved her off and she then went and said goodbye to my mum as they hugged and shared a small joke which made my cheeks crack a smile.

James and Daniel were hugging their parents and James mum was crying.

Daniels dad was just speaking to him and telling him to call him once we arrived.

After our sad goodbyes we all walked over to the escalators.

As we rode up we waved to everyone,

"We love you all!" My mum shouted as we all shouted back.

"I LOVE YOU" Lindsay shouted up.

April waved frantically.

We all shouted,

"Goodbye" in sync as they all grew out of sight as we made our way to checkout.

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