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I woke up with a soaring headache. I turned around and saw Shawn sleeping aside me-- he was shirtless though. I looked at myself and I had everything intact. Phew, Taylor would of got so on the verge of anger with me.

I checked my phone to see the time but saw some notifications. It as eleven in the morning and below that it noted

FloridaMcCoy took a screenshot!

I groaned, unsure what I even took. It could of been embarrassing who knows. Or it was just him acting dumb, taking a photo of himself on my phone and then using his to save it. I dunno.

"Shawn?" I poked him. He has never gotten drunk and I think I blame Taylor. Shawn is so innocent and doesn't do things like this, nor do I. And to take his innocence like this isn't right especially If he's going to leave him unattended. I think I was the one taking care of Shawn yesterday and not Taylor.

"Mmmm... " he moaned not wanting to speak up. "Okay. You sleep. I'm just going to look around for people..." I went outside of this room which I think is Sammy's and saw that Sammy, Taylor, and Carter were cuddled up on one bed.

The house wasn't a major mess and nobody else was be seen. I went back upstairs to follow a ringing tone. It guided me towards Carter's room.

His lock screen said "moma" I answered it. "Hello?" "Carter! We're coming over soon!"

Damn it. Ugh. I'm so tired and I'm sure these guys are just as exhausted but I have to wake them up.

I stood on the bed and started jumping. "Wake up wake up wake up!" I yelled. I accidentally stumbled over Taylor's legs which faulted me into falling on Carter. I looked up and he was blinking right in front of me. "Oh hi. Morning." I whispered.

Carter rolled his eyes before tucking his blanket over his head. "Ugh Matt.." I pulled the sheets off all of them. "CARTERS MOM IS COMING OVER SOON GET YOUR ASSES UP TO CLEAN THIS MESS OR IM LEAVING WITH SHAWN AND YOU GUYS ARE THE ONES TO GET IN TROUBLE!" And with that I grabbed a pillow to hit all three of them in the face and left.

"Hey wake up Shawn.. we need to help clean. The parents are coming over soon." Shawn hit himself with the pillow before straining to get up. "Oh! Matt trash can!" He yelled. I ran over and grabbed whatever bag was around and Shawn puked in it.

"You alright?" I sighed patting his back. What I know was that he ate some delights that he shouldn't of.

There was a knock on our door. "Oh my god. The smell what the hell... " Sammy squealed fanning the air with his hands. "Oh it's Shawn... Speaking of him. Uh, boy oh boy. You guys have got some drama on your hands holy fuck!" Sammy started to laugh. "What did we do?" I groaned.

Sammy shrugged and ran out. I had an instinct to chase him. And when I did, my body collided with none other than Taylor. Bet you thought Carter hmm? No.

"Matt..." he sighed. "What? Am I the only one that doesn't know what's going on here." Honestly I didn't know.. "You don't? Where's Shawn, let's see if he knows."

"Shawn's puking." I whispered. Taylor's mouth dropped as he was getting ready to punch me but he didn't. "Has it occurred to you that Sammy here put heavy drugs in his food. Maybe that's why he's puking. Don't assume anything. We slept, but not together. We just shared the same bed so if this is what the 'drama' is all about. Then fuck you guys, I'm straight and you guys don't know the whole story."

I felt proud and accomplished of what I just said. It didn't offend them I'm sure, but they just needed to listen up.

"CARTER COME HERE." Sammy yelled. Carter came moments later, looking extremely mopey. Taylor pushed aside everyone, "Listen up Matt, we know you and Shawn kissed okay!"

I rolled my eyes in innocence, "Hell no we did not." And I'm so sure of it. Carter walked up to me and showed me his phone screen, it was a photo of Shawn and I.

"But how'd you get that? I swear we didn't." I raised my hands in plead.

"Look at your phone." Taylor insisted. Carter added, "Yeah you sent it to all of us."

I took a look at my phone and saw Shawn as a moaning mess beneath me. "Shit shit shit... I'm so sorry Taylor!" I cried out. "Ah, it's aright." He pat my back. "You don't think I did it intentional? I didn't mean to and I didn-" Taylor put his hands on my lips and jokingly strangled my neck. "Look, you were intoxicated and all we asked you to do was take care of Shawn. Maybe it went too far but hey, your my friend and I believe you."

I smiled at his response, he actually believed me. "Now Shawn, eh I'll let him go. He's so innocent. Show him that video and see what he does." Taylor laughed.

There was a floor creek from behind us. "What video?" Shawn yawned.

I walked over to the extremely shy and quiet boy and handed him my phone. "Do you remember filming this last night?" He began to furrow his eyebrows at my question. Shawn nodded.

"You were my first kiss.." he spoke. And that small sentence, that small sentence brought me a ton of flashbacks of last night that I instantly remember.

"HOLY SHIT I REMEMBER EVERYTHING!" I yelled out loud raising my hands. "WE DIDNT SLEEP TOGETHER! I AM STILL A VIRGIN! I KISSED A BOY AND LIKED IT!" I chirped happily. "Wait...." I realized I confessed everything all in one joyride.

"MATT! HAHA!" Taylor started to slap me. "You just admit everything to well like, four gay guys. You're so embarrassing to yourself." I started to turn red as I laid in the floor. "Holy fuck." I sighed. "Well, you guys are all my friends. What is there to hide."

Carter crossed his arms, "Shawn turned you gay?"

I thought about it for a moment as I rolled into my stomach with my face in my hands. "Uh, no? Yes. I don't know. I don't like Shawn like that but uh, kissing him was more fun than other girls."

I looked at Sammy from above and he began to grin. "I CALL KISSING SHAWN NEXT!" He raised his hand pulling Shawn.

"No no no, not on my watch." Taylor tugged Shawn back to him. Shawn is so quiet with a small personality. He is just letting everyone get their ways with him. "Stop doing that you guys. Shawn can feel free do to what he wants." I argued standing up. "So who do you want to kiss hmm?" I joked toward him, knowing his obvious answer would be Tay-

"I want Matt." Shawn smiled bringing his arms over mine. I left my hands to my side as Shawn hugged me. I looked at Taylor, then Sammy, lastly Shawn. I gave all of them a shake of the head with a frightening look signaling that I don't want Shawn like this. I wiggled my way out of his reach.

"But heh, you don't like me. You like Taylor!" I suggested weakly.

"No I kissed you because I like you."

"Uh, no! You don't."

"Well who do you like?" Shawn asked.

"Uh... I am actually dating umm, SAMMY!"

I pushed Shawn away and tugged Sammy. He gave me a sly look, and I found it very irritating. Sammy isn't my type, even if I did like guys, which I'm still not completely sure of but for the most part yes. I do like them now or maybe it's just Shawn's kiss I'm not too sure.

"Uh, here's what... shit. Can like, hey, I'll unm... ugh lets just clean up. Carter your mom is coming home soon."

Majority of the time, we cleaned the room, and everyone seemed to be giving me looks. Mainly me! All me.

I mean, I feel bad for lying but it's better than to reject without a reason.


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