Chapter 1: bye Emily :)

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  *i wish you would Taylor swift. This is how I imagine Rachel.

Today's like a normal day. I get up, take a shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, and go to work. Then I come home watch Netflix with the bæ then go to sleep. Normal. Right? No, today was different. Today was bad. Today I cried, I never cry, unless my character Avery on the walking dead needs to. Today I lost a friend, but I also gained one. This is what happened, and it wasn't pretty.

  I stretched. I just woke up. Tyler, or Noah his character, was brushing his teeth.
"Why didn't you wake me up?" I ask.
"You complain wen I wake you up early and you complain wen I let you sleep in. How does that work?" I laughed.
"I only have a hour! I haven eaten, and I haven't had my coffee." I complain.
"You should get a move on." He says. I sit up and yawn. I walk to my closet and pick out my outfit: it's a lazy day and it's chilly out. I put in my grey sweater with a long necklace and black jeans. I slip on my uggs and put my hair in a bun. They hair and makeup crew with mess it up anyway. I throw on my shades.
"You got ready in under 20 minutes." He says.
"Oh shut up." I joke. I swing my purse over. His phone sings.
"Who was that?" I ask.
"My mom, probably complaining about you." He says. His mom doesn't really like me.
"We all have haters." We say in unison. We laugh. We walk downstairs and eat breakfast. I had Cheerios with banana and strawberries. Tyler had fruit loops.
"Why is it that we live in a luxury house, have a wonderful job, but our pantry is always empty?" Tyler asks.
"Probably because we're married to our job." I say. He laughs.
"I'll go shopping after work." He says.
"Thank you." I say. I'm a health freak. I am a actress full time and acasionally a model. It's not easy staying fit.
"Will you get me fruit, but no pineapple." I say.
"I know, your allergic." He says. I smile.
"And I want yogurt." I say.
"Not too much junk food."
"Ok ok!" He says. We put our bowls in the sink and drive to set.

  I walk in and Carmon hands me my coffee.
"Straight to make up." She says. I sit down next to Emily.
"Hey!" She says.
"Hey!" I say.
"So last nights NCIS..." She says.
"Oh my gosh! Do not start with me!" We are re watching NCIS. We re watched the office last month. This month is NCIS next month is a Australian show called Mcleods Daughters.
"They can't just shoot her!" Emily says.
"That was uncalled for!" I say. The make up artist applies the stuff that makes up look like we have dirt on our face.
"I'm going to miss you." I say. Today we film her last episode. She gets killed off, I'm really sad.
"It's not like I'm leaving." She says.
"but this is a sad day." I say.
"I know." She says. I sip my coffee and we discuss NCIS.
"All done." The artist says. We walk in set. I say hi to Lauren, Danai, Alanna, Norman, and everyone else. It's a lot of work to film this show. After we film we get ready to go. I walk in to the make up room because their is dirt in my face. Tyler is on the couch with Emily kissing.
"Rach.." Tyler says.
"You bitch!" I say.
"It's not what you think!" Emily says.
"I loved you!" I screamed.
"I hate you." I say.
"Rachel! I'm sorry!" Emily says.
"No your not." Chandler rushed in.
"You ok?" He asks. Tears are flowing.
"You get your crap out of my house and you leave!" I yell.
"Fair enough." Tyler says. I hug Chandler.
"I'm sorry." He says. He strokes my hair. We leave. (Btw Chandler is like 22)
"What happened?" Lauren asks.
"Tyler cheated on me." I say.
"With who?" Danai asks.
"Emily." I say.
"Ugh!" Alanna says.
"What's going on?" Greg the co-producer says. I'm kinda not supposed to date people on set because it could effect our work.
"I'll tell you later." I say. I pull I'm sun glasses down to cover the tears and puffy eyes. I sit outside on a bench and hide in my oversized sweater. Chandler come out.
"You want me to beat him...or..."
"It won't help." I say. Tyler walk out.
"Rachel can we talk?!" He says.
"Why don't you beat it?" Chandler says.
"Get away from me!" I say.
"We need to talk." He says.
"Leave me alone! You are no longer part of my life!"
"Leave." Chandler says. He walks off.
"Thank you." I say.
"Do you need anything?" He asks.
"A bottle of wine, and a friend." I say.
"I've got all of those, plus ice cream." He says.
"Why weren't we friends before this shit went down?" I ask. He laughs.
"Let's go." He says. I walk to his car and we drive to his house. I got a txt from Tyler.
Tyler: you don't understand she forced her self on me.
Me: go fuck you self.
Tyler:ask her yourself.
"Your so bad ass wen you curse it's weird." Chandler says. Im usually the person who hates swearing.
"Will you call Emily for me?" I ask.
"And say what?"
"Ask her is she forced Tyler on her."
"Really?" He asks.
"Yes." He calls.
"Did you force Tyler on you?" Chandler straight up asks. I bite my lip.
"Because that would make you the bad guy."
"That's not ok Emily!"
"You need help if you wanted to ruin your relationship with your best friend."
"And so were you!"
"Good! Finally everyone can have some peace in their lives!"
"I really don't give a fuck!"
"Good! Me too!" He hangs up.
"She said yes." He grips the stirring wheele tighter. I call Tyler.
"Don't call her!" He says.
"I'm not."
"Did you talk to her?"
"I did."
"And did she tell you?"
"Are we good?"
"Tyler there is no way in hell I trust you anymore. My version of good is I will work with you. I will not live with you. I will not physically touch you. You lost my trust wen you walked in that room."
"Rach, come on."
"I'm not coming on! We are done. I want your things out of my house by tonight."
"Where am I supposed to stay?"
"I don't care, not at my house." I hang up. I roll my eyes. I wipe my eyes from my running mascara.
"I'm sorry." Chandler says.
"Don't be it's not your fault." I say. We pull up to his house and get out. I follow him in and I slouch in the couch. He pops a bottle of wine open.
"What do you want to talk about?" He asks.
"Anything besides Tyler and Emily." He hands me and glass and he sits down.
"Ok, where are you from?"
"I was born in Orlando. I lived there for 16 years, then we moved to Atlanta." I say.
"Do you have any siblings?"
"I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters. The oldest brother is Joven, he's 28 and is married. Then my sister Maylon is 25. Then me I'm Rachel I'm 22. Then Stella, she's 19. And last is Colton he's 16." I say.
"That's a big family. I just have Greyson who's 19." He says.
"Where are they now?" He asks.
"Joven is going to med school at Stanford and has a baby in the way, I'm here crying at your house, Maylon is a make up artist as you know for like TV shows and movies, she works once In a while on set. Stella just graduated high school and got excepted in to the University of Utah for fall semester.She wants to be a veterinarian. And Colton is young but I see all his potential, he's in national honor society, he's great at percussionist, he can sing, he has a job, he volunteers at a animal shelter, and he is definitely a lady's man." I laugh.
"Greyson is football player." Is all he says. We laugh. He pours more wine.
"Did you want the fame, growing up, did you want it?" He asks.
"From the second I discovered YouTube I wanted to be famous. I wanted lots of people to know me and love me. And here I am." I say.
"Since I started out young I didn't have much time to decide." He says.
"Was that a big step for you?" I ask.
"It was huge, I went from a normal middle schooler to a actor."
"Wow. I came in wen I was 17. I think. So yeah."
"You want to watch a movie?" He asks.
"Sure." He turns on the tv.
"What do you want to watch?"
"Do you have the lion king?" I ask. He laughs.
"Of course I do! Who doesn't?" He puts the dvd in. I fell asleep on his couch. I never thought that Chandler and I would get close. It wasn't something that I thought should happen. And I don't understand why. He's amazing.

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