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I woke up at 3 in the morning to a knock on my door. I walked downstairs and opened the door. Chandler ran in and started pacing.
"Did you read the script?" He asked.
"What? Yes." I say.
"We have to..." He said.
"I know." I say.
"I don't know if Carl can do it but I know chandler can." He says.
"What? Dude its 3, go home."
"No Rachel, I cant."
"Why?" I was so tired.
"what's wrong?" He stopped and looked at me.
"I can't stop thinking about you." He finally says.
"Chandler please go."
"The script." He starts pacing again.
"What is wrong with you? Are you drunk?"
"I can't do that on camera." He says. I walked over.
"Calm down." I held his arms.
"You can't calm love." He said. My jaw dropped.
"What are you talking about?" I was half asleep.
"We could practice."
"The script!?"
"Your funny." We have a sex scene. He stopped pacing and stood still with his eyes closed.
"Ok ok, I drank 5 cups of coffee." He said.
"Oh my gosh." I say in the couch.
"One second." He went upstairs.
"Chandler this is my house." I say.
"Ugh." I walked upstairs. He was in my room.
"Ok calm down." I slapped him.
"Ow! Dude." He said as he held his cheek.
"I'm tired, I'm confused, I'm just....please go home, chandler." I say.
"I can't." He says.
"What do you want?" He sits on the bed.
"Stop acting weird." I say. He took a deep breath.
"Aren't you worried about our scene?" He asked in a normal voice.
"Well yeah kinda."
"Your not wearing a bra." He laughs. He pulled my robe over.
"Are you sure it wasn't 5 shots of whiskey?" I ask.
"No." He giggles.
"Come on." I dragged him downstairs and he fell asleep on the couch.

  I woke up to foot steps. I rolled out of bed and walked downstairs.
"I'm so sorry, did I get drunk last night?"
"Yeah, little bit." I say.
"I'm sorry." The doorbell rang.
"Go!" I said. He ran upstairs. I opened the door.
"Rachel Rachel Rachel!" Maylon said.
"Wha? Hi." I say. She walked in with Thomas following her.
"We have news." She says.
"Who's are those?" Thomas pointed to chandlers shoes.
"I, forget to give them to colt for his birthday." I cover.
"I'll take them we're going over there after." Maylon picks them up.
"It's fine." I take that back.
"Rach I got it." She rips them from my hands.
"Ok what's so important?" I ask.
"We're getting married." Thomas says.
"Oh my gosh that's amazing!" I say. She shows me the ring.
"And." Thomas says.
"And what?" I ask.
"I'm pregnant!" Maylon said.
"Uhhhhh, what?" I ask. Joven and Amy just had Paige a few months ago.
"I'm 8 weeks." She says.
"Wow." I say.
"I really need to get to work so we'll call you later." May says.
"Uh, ok." I say. They left and I closed the door.
"What?" I slouch on the couch. Chandler walked down the stairs.
"Where my shoes?" He asked. I pressed my fingers on my temples.

  "Pregnant!" I complain. We drive into Starbucks drive thru.
"That's exacting." Chandler says.
"It's just weird."
"Why? Joven and Amy just had Paige." He says.
"But Maylon is my sister, my best friend." I say.
"2 grande coffees." I say.
"Actually a iced coffee." He says.
"So it's different and I don't know what to think about it. I pulled to the next window and payed.
"Ice coffee....." He says.
"Grayson married?" I ask.
"No." He says.
"At least they're getting married." I handed him his coffee and we drive to set.

  "No shoes?" Michael asked. I laughed.
"Nope." Chandler said. I changed and we started the scene. This was it and I was so nervous. Good thing it's only like 8 seconds.
"Action!" Scott called.

  I was in my trailer getting ready to go. Someone knocked on my door.
"Come in." I said. I put my script In my purse. Chandler walked in.
"I've seen you enough today." I joked.
"We need to talk."
"It's already awkward enough, let's make it worse." I said.
"I'm talking as chandler, not Carl." He says.
"I know." He walked over and pulled my hair out of my face.
"Don't." I pulled my face away.
"Come on Rach. Don't you get it?"
"Get what chandler? We can't happen. We can never happen."
"That's not true!" He said.
"I can't. We cant."
"And how is that supposed to work if they love each other?"
"Not every fairytale has a happy ending."
"This one will."
"You can't say that."
"Rachel, look me in the eye and tell me you don't love me."
"I can't." I walked out.

  "You're on in 10 seconds." A stylist says. I nodded. I was at a fashion show. I nodded. I fixed my dress and walked out. Cameras flashed and people watched. I strutted and walked back. People pointing and talked.
"That was perfect honey." A lady said.
"Go get dressed you have 2 minutes!" They called. I walked back and changed again before entering the runway another time. I did this 10 times. And honestly, the clothes were butt ugly. We had a little after party in the make up room.
"Pop." The champagne bottle popped.
"Aye!" We cheered.
"Great job out there." Alan says.
"Especially Rachel." Summer says. I was mad which made my game face better.
"Thank you." I said. We raised our glasses.
"To the future." Alan says.
"To the future!" We yell.

I'm at home on the couch watching NCIS. I wished Emily were here. Here to complain and laugh. And cheer. I don't know why she did what she did but it wasn't nice and it hurt. Like a knife the chest. Makes you realize who your true friends are. The doorbell rang and I set the popcorn down and opened the door. It was chandler. I leaned on the door way with my arms crossed. We stood there for a minute. I broke the silence and started to cry. He wrapped his arms around me.
"I love you." I said. He kissed my head and stroked my hair. My tears made his shirt wet.
"Can you buy me new shoes?" He asked. I laughed slightly.
"Sure." I said. He squeezed tighter. He released the hug and took my hand. We walked upstairs.

He stole my heart // Chandler Riggs FanficWhere stories live. Discover now