Chapter 4: Second chance

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We flew home today. I feel bad for taking the company plane and I know I'll get bashed for it but it was an emergency. I walk into Scott's office.
"Rachel we need to talk about your career." He said. Tyler was sitting in another chair.
"What do you mean?"
"We would be firing you if we didn't need you on this show. As well as Tyler. I'm giving you a second chance, but I need your full trust." He asked.
"Of course." We say.
"And that goes for anyone but if you and Emily want to continue your relationship that's fine because she wants to pursue her music career." Tyler laughed. I didn't.
"That's um, not really your business." Tyler says.
"I respect that." Scott said.
"Go get me an award." He dismissed us.
"And don't forget about my wedding tomorrow night!"
"Wouldn't miss it for the world!" I shouted.
"Bye." Tyler said. We walked out. I went to make up.
"I feel so bad..." Maylon was here today. She was talking to the other artists.
"Hey!" She said.
"Hey." I smiled. I sat down.
"So Thomas said he's thinking about marriage." May says. Thomas was her boyfriend.
"Wow, really?"
"I don't know what to think." She says.
"You do what's best you two." I say.
"Thanks sis." She hugs me.
"You should definitely consider it." I say.
"I love you." She said.
"Love you too." 

   We just finished filming and I'm walking out to my car. It's late. I just want my bed.
"Aye!" Someone called. I turned around.
"Hey." It was chandler.
"So ugh..." He rubbed his neck.
"What's up?"
"You want to go to Scott's wedding with me? Like as friends?" I contemplated it.
"Yeah, it'll be fun." I smile.
"Cool, I pick you up at 5." He says.
"K, see you then." I opened the car door and got in. My phone rang.
"Please!?" Summer asked.
"Summer! I said no last week, my answer didn't change."
"Rachel this would be great for your modeling!"
"I'm sorry but your not going to get me to do it."
"Fine. You have a fashion show tomorrow night."
"Shut really?"
"Yeah at the Guggenheim." She says.
"Ugh, I can't, I have a wedding." I say.
"Unless your getting married Alan won't be happy."
"Put him on." I say.
"Please honey, try it once." Alan says.
"I can't do the show tomorrow." I say.
"What!? Why?!"
"I have a wedding for my other boss."
"Ugh sweetie this is important."
"So is the wedding."
"I let you go this one time." He says.
"Thank you so much Alan!"
"You welcome." He gave the phone back to summer.
"Your lucky."
"I know." I say.
"I'll see you Monday?" She asks.
"K bye." I hung up. That could have been a lot worse. I drive home.

I'm on the couch watching NCIS. I wish I could be FaceTimeing Emily while watching it. She's so ignorant! Why would she do that? We were best friends. Ugh, what a bitch. My phone rang.
"Hey! Stop it Greyson!" Chandler said. I laughed.
"Hey." I say.
"It's Saturday night!" Greyson sang.
"I'm commin." I said.
"See you in a bit." He hung up. I turned off the TV and put my shoes on. My phone rang again.
"I'm putting my shoes on now!" I laughed.
"Rach?" My friend Naomi asked.
"Oh sorry I thought you were someone else." She laughed.
"It's ok, well since your going somewhere I'll just call you another time."
"No it's ok, what's up?"
"I just wanted to hang out."
"Want me to pick you up I'm going to my friends house." I say.
"Are you sure they won't mind?"
"Yeah it will be a party." I say.
"Cool, see you in a minute."
"K bye." I hung up. I grabbed my purse and got in my car.

  I honked. Yeah it was 9 at night but I didn't care. She ran out and got in.
"Dude, Kay is sleeping." She said as she put her seatbelt on. Kaylee is her daughter. She's almost 1.
"Sorry." I drive away.
"So what are we doing?"
"We are going to chandlers." I say.
"Hey I'm sorry, I heated about you and Tyler."
"Who told you?"
"Your mom."
"Ugh! Her and Mahlon might as well let the world know." We laughed.
"How's Christian?" I asked.
"He's good. Since he works a lot it's just me and Kaylee." She says.
"She's adorable." I say. She smiles.
"We don't go out anymore." She complained.
"That's because I'm married to my job and you got a kid."
"Yeah, I miss girls night with Emily and Tatiana."
"Me too." I frowned. I pulled up and parked.
"He lives in my neighborhood!?" She asked.
"Yeah." We got out and walked to the front door. I knocked. Chandler opened it.
"Hey! Who's this?" He asked.
"This si my friend Naomi." I say.
"Good to see you." She flashes her wedding ring. I shove her hand down.
"Would you calm down!" I said to her. We laughed. We walked in. Greyson and a girl were in the kitchen.
"Hey! Your Rachel right?" Greyson asked.
"Yeah, this is Naomi." I say.
"Hi." Greyson says.
"This is a really good friend of mine, Hannah." Chandler says.
"Hey!" I say.
"Oh my gosh you know them!?" She asked.
"I work with chandler." I say.
"Ugh duh! Never connected the dots." She says. We laughed.
"You know each other?" Chandler asked.
"We work on a lot of shoots together." I say.
"And her sister does most of my make up." She says.
"That's so weird. I forgot you were both models." Chandler says.
"Alright what are we playing?" Greyson asked.
"What about monopoly?" Chandler asks.
"Sounds good." We says. Naomi and I are setting up the game wen chandler walks in.
"Hey are these yours?" He asked showing me two earrings in his hand.
"Oh yeah, thanks." I took them and he walked back in the kitchen.
"Why does he have your earrings? Please tell me you were not in his pants." Naomi whispered.
"Naomi! No, I left them here wen we watched a movie." I say. I realized that didn't sound any better.
"Why so scandalous?" She asked.
"It was the night Tyler cheated, I just needed a friend and he was there." I say. She smiled.
"You would be cute together." She says.
"I'm not dating co-workers." I say.
"Yeah yeah." She divvied out the money.

I got home and went straight for my bed. It was really late and I was a little drunk. Just a tad. Tomorrow is the wedding! I'm so excited.

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