Chapter 18: The Scott boys

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We are keeping us a secret. Other than Emily and Alanna who know. I pulled my luggage behind me as Danai and I walked down the hallway. It was silent until she spoke.
"You want to tell me what's going on?" She finally spoke.
"I don't know. Right now everything is coming together."
"What I said as Mishonne was meant for Avery not you. I want you to know that I am your friend and I want you to be with who you love." I smiled.
"I really needed to hear that." She hugged me.
"Let go. We have a ride to catch." She said. Everyone was trying to get off. This cruise has been crazy and surreal. Brianna was running through the crowd in the opposite way. I stopped her.
"Hey you ok?" I grabbed her shoulders.
"Leave me alone." She kept running. Dani took my bag and I followed her.
"What is going on?" I asked as we ran into an empty space.
"You want to tell me?!" She snapped.
"I'm not quite connecting the dots." I say.
"Please! I met Chandler and he asked me to be his girlfriend. Last night I got a knock on my door with a goodbye. You are the only one who could have changed that."
"Brianna, I had to tell him some things."
"An ex is an ex, and you don't go back!"
"I could have had his child!" I cracked. She was speechless.
"Brianna if I hadn't fallin in love with this man he would be yours. But he stole my heart and wouldn't give it back. You don't know our story, but when your career is on the line you fight for what you want. I was given the choice to have him or keep my job. I chose my job and I regret it completely. We have me another chance and I took it. I lost this baby but I'm so sorry that you lost him."
"I'm so sorry." She broke in tears and hugged me.
"I don't want you to feel bad for me, I want you to understand."

The whole car ride I watch the trees as the car flew by. Chandler tried to hold my hand but I pulled it away. I wasn't in the mood. I risked it because Brianna could tell someone and soon enough it would be out. But I did it and I don't regret it. When we got to my house I moped out of the car and slowly walked to the front door I unlocked it and walked in. It honestly just hit me: I lost a baby. I did. My body did. Chandler did. Even though it's been months it's crazy I honestly can't believe it. How could I have gone through something like like and brush it off. Some things you shouldn't forget because they remember you of the bad times and the people who helped you through it. I just sat down my my hands on my face and cried. Yes I had Chandler but I got him in the wrong way. I could have never even been pregnant and he would have had to break up. I'm ready to quit my job for him. I am. As Vidal as I am he means more to me.

  I woke up with the phone ringing. It was 5am and I had fallen asleep. I wiped some drool off my face and picked up the phone.
"Yeah.." I said.
"Hey Rachel, Maylon's water broke and the boys are on their way." Thomas said.
"Well shit." I stood up and rubbed my eyes.
"See you soon." He hung up. The babies were supposed to be born after the wedding that's in 2 weeks. But things happen and I needed some joy in my life right now. I put a smile on and walked to my car. Today I'll me a aunt again. I will have I niece and 2 nephews. I can't believe it.

I took a deep breath before opening the door to screams and yells. Maylon opted for no epidermal, I think that was stupid but that's just my opinion. I quickly set my things down and went on the other side. I held her hand.
"Don't touch me!" She yelled.
"She's not happy." Thomas adds.
"Clearly." I joke.
"It ok baby, their on their way." Thomas stroked her head. She pulled him by his shirt until he was inches from her face.
"Don't tell me what to do." She says. He sorta smiled.
"Ok." She let his shirt go. Much much much more screaming later:
Enzo Ashton Scott   6 pounds 9 ounces October 11th at 12:58 pm
Easton Andrew Scott   7 pounds 2 ounces
October 12th at 1:01 am
And Maylon was soon going to be Scott.
I rocked Enzo in the chair.
"They need to meet Paige." I say.
"Yeah they do." Thomas says.
"Thomas, have you met her?" Maylon asked.
"No, I was busy sadly when I got the call Amy was in labor."
"Well Stella and Joven are flying up tomorrow so you can see her then." I say. I traced my finger over his sleeping head.
"Their identical right?" I asked.
"Yeah." Thomas says.
"Can I hold him." Mom hovered over me.
"Yeah." I stood up and handed him to her.
"Chandlers here." Colt poked his head in. I nodded and walked out.
"Hey." He hugged me.
"You ready to go home?"
"Yeah." He peeled me in a kissed my forehead. I smiled as we walked out and to his car. My life is forever changing.

He stole my heart // Chandler Riggs FanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora