Chapter 11: To think I could leave you

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   I'm at the park with nugget. It's around 72'. Stella had a week off and came to visit us. We are all taking her back today because why not?I jogged around the sidewalk. Nugget is a white and brown Brittany spaniel. She's the best dog, always up for a run. It started to rain so I jogged back to the house. I opened the door and let nugget off her leash. I ran upstairs and took my shower. I noticed that my period was late. I was going to freak out.

I drove to the drugstore and bought a pregnancy test. I pulled some money out of my pocket. The lady looked at me weird. I was wearing a hoodie to keep the press away.
"You're Rachel Maxfield from the walking dead!" The teen said.
"Shhh.." I put a finger over my lips.
"Why are you buying a pregnancy test?" She whispered.
"Just don't say anything." I took it and left.

I banged on Emily's door. My heart was racing. She opened the door.
"Hey, you ok?" She asked. I shook my head and took my hoodie off.
"Rach what is it?" She bacane more concerned.
"I'm late." I say.
"I didn't even ask you to- oh my gosh." She put a hand over her mouth. She looked at the bag and back at me.
"Go!" She pointed to the bathroom.

"Oh my gosh Rachel, is it done?!" Emily asked outside the door. I walked out and held it. She gave me a blank stare, Im shaking. She put a hand on my shoulder and took the test with the other. She looked at it for a while.
"What are you going to do?" She looked at me. Tears flooded our eyes. I shrugged.
"I don't know." I say.
"You need to go call him right now!" She yelled. I shook my head.
"Emily-" I sat in the couch.
"Rachel this isn't a game anymore, this is serious!" She says. I calmed my breathing.
"I'm so freaking dead."

I loaded my suitcase and walked to the car. Mom was driving. Colton was back from visiting his girlfriend. I sat in the car. It was Colton, mom, dad, and Stella. I was still in shock.
"Ok ok, you look pale." Mom says.
"I'm fine." I assured her.
"If you say so." Inside I was ripped up, Torn apart and broken hearted. I don't even know how far along I am. At least a month or possibly 2.

Dad put our carryon in the top shelf. I laid my head back and watched out the window with my hoodie pulled over and headphones in. I looked at my phone. I contemplated texting chandler. No you can't tell someone your having their baby over txt not even call. Stella rested her head in my shoulder and gripped my hand.
"Your not ok." She says.
"Stella if I say I'm fine, I'm fine." I slightly snapped. She moved her head away from me. I didn't want to hurt her in just so worked up.

We landed and walked off the plane. I was stopped by a girl who wanted my autograph. I looked out the window. There were so many mountains. It was stunning. Stella's lucky to be able to go here. Too ad we were only spending the day here. We got a ride to campus.
"That's my dorm." Stella points.
"You have friends?" Mom asks.
"Yeah." Stella says.
"Really?" Colt says.
"Watch it." Stella says. They laughed. I fell behind as Stella showed us around. This was all so amazing to Colton. It wouldn't shock me if he graduated a year early. Stella took mom and dad to her dorm, Colton sat next to me on the bench.
"You say your ok, but you clearly aren't." Colton says.
"I'm not ready to talk about it." I say.
"I'm pretty sure you've already told Emily."
"Colton, It's not easy, my life! Right now is especially hard, I'll talk wen I'm ready." I say.
"I thought you were over chan-"
"I'm over him but something came up."
"Is it major?"
"It's more than major, this will change my life." I say. He laughs.
"Your not pregnant are you?" I looked at him. I think I just confirmed it.
"Shit Rachael." He says.
"Language." I say.
"Are you for real right now?" He asks.
"You can't tell a living soul." I say.
"It's cha-"
"Shut up." I covered his mouth.
"Is it?"
"Yeah." I say.
"How far?" He asks.
"I don't know, like a month."
"A month! In the first 6-12 weeks is when the limbs and brain start to develop! Tell me you haven't been drinking."
"I stopped wen I got over him." I say.
"Are you going to tell mom and dad?"
"No and neither are you." I say.
"You only have one more month before its visible."
"That's crazy. Right now in development he's only 2 cells." I looked at him.
"He's?" I ask.
"I'm hoping for another guy in the family, too much estrogen you know?" He says. I kinda laughed. Mom dad and Stella walked over.
"You tell no one." I say.
"I cross my heart." He says.
"Ready for dinner?" Mom asked.
"Really good café down the street." Stella points.
"Yeah sounds good." It felt good to get that off my chest.

  "Bye." I say.
"Get some rest." Colt says. I looked at his with a funny expression.
"What? You look tired." He winked at me.
"Bye mom bye dad." I kissed their cheek.
"What about me." I walked backwards up the stairs.
"Bye colt." I say. He smiles and I watch them drive off. I took deep breath before unlocking the door. I opened it and saw chandler on the other side of the house holding a bouquet of flowers.
"I don't want to fight, so just leave now." I say.
"I don't want to fight either." He put the flowers in the table. He took my hands and looked at me.
"I just got over you." I joked.
"I can't believe I left you."
"Don't go again." I cried. He pulled me into a hug.
"I'm not going anywhere." He hold me tighter.  He kissed me. It's been so long since I've had one of those.
"Please just hold me." I said.
"Of course." He squeezed me.

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