Chapter 14: 14

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Nothing happened with Lucas. We passed out when we got home and he was gone when I woke up. I got ready and drive to the studio. I walked in with my coffee. Chandler was already here and glared at me as I walked in.
"Don't even act like we're cool." He says.
"Don't do that."
"Do what? Talk?"
"Chandler let's not start our morning like this."
"What the hell is wrong with you? Your bipolar." He kept walking. He didn't understand and I planned to keep it that way. Greg pulled me aside.
"So you and Chandler are done?"
"Good, thank you. You know we didn't want to do that right?"
"No I understand. I've been really juvenile."
"Ok, go get ready." He says. I nodded and went to hair and makeup.

Carl and I were playing on the couch reading a magazine together. Carol is in the kitchen making a casserole.
"Avery can you go get some flour from the pantry for me?" I laugh at a article.
"Yeah." I stand up and give Carl the magazine. I walk over and open the pantry doors. A loud horn went off at a continuous rate.
"Go upstairs now!" Carol commanded. I ran upstairs and Carl followed.
"Carl watch Judith and Avery!" Carol said behind me.
"Got it." He said. I could totally kiss him right now. I walked in and picked up Judith. I rocked her as she cried.
"I can fight!" I said.
"Watch Judith."
"Carl I can do this!"
"This is not Like the shooting rang, Avery, this is real life."
"You say I'm not good enough but I am."
"Avery Judith needs you right now."
"Carl I can do this."
"I know you can alright! Protect Judith!" I didn't say anything I just rocked her. There was a loud noise downstairs.
"Stay here." Carl says as he closed the door.
"Carl!" I yelled.
"What?" He softly asked.
"Be safe, ok?" He nodded and closed the door. I calmed Judith.
"Come on, come on." I waited for that door to open. I squinted, I thought it may make the time go by faster. There was a knock on the door. I grabbed a AR and curled in the corner with Judith under my jacket. Another knock.
"Carl?" I cried. It opened.
"Avery?" Enid's voice calmed me.
"Oh my gosh!" I stood up and hugged her.
"Is Carl downstairs?"
"Yeah, hes guarding the doors."
"Can you take her?"
"Yeah." She took Judith.
"I'm going out there."
"It's not pretty, Avery. The Wolves."
"If I live in the apocalypse, I have to take it head on." I say. I swing my AR over my shoulder and walk downstairs after closing the door.
"Avery!" Carl yelled.
"I will fight, and you cannot stop me." I said. He smiled. We covered the house back to back. A person barged in with a W on his forehead. Carl was shoved to the ground with a knife to his head. I shot the wolf in the head. I pulled the body off.
"Kill count?" He asked. I breathed heavily.

I swing my purse over my shoulder.
"Rachel." Chandler stopped me.
"Don't even." I kept walking.
"I'm sorry about what I said.
"And I'm bipolar?"
"We both are."
"No you can't come over and no we can't get back together." I say.
"I don't want a Cold War."
"Neither do I but that doesn't look like it will happen."
"Ouch." I walked away.
"Shot through the heart." He says.
"And your to blame." Norman sings.
"Bye Rachel." Norman yells.
"Bye Norman." I turned around and blew a kiss.
"Bye Rach." Chandler said. But I didn't look back. I just kept walking with my head held high.

I walked into Alanna's baby shower.
"Rachel!" She hugged me.
"Hey!" I say.
"Glad you could come!"
"Thanks for inviting me."
"Oh your my work sister, how could I not." I laugh.
"Katelyn, Lauren, Sonequa, Danai, and Christian are over there and Alexandra is on her way." She points.
"Thanks." I walk over.
"Hey what was that at the studio?" Christian asks.
"What do you mean?" I ask sitting down.
"You and Chandler actually working together?!" She says.
"I don't know, I felt really connected to Avery."
"You did really good today." Danai says.
"So what is this drama you have going on?" Sonequa asks.
"We sound bipolar, but you would have to understand our situation."
"Honey you love each other!" Lauren says.
"I know but we just can't."
"Greg and Scott can suck it, what you have is love." Alanna says behind me. I didn't know she was there but she put a hand on my shoulder.
"You guys really are my work sisters." I say.
"Always." Katelyn says.
"This sounds so crazy." I Alanna says.
"What?" I ask.
"You still model, right?" She asks.
"Yeah." I say.
"What if you quit TWD and then you could be with Chandler and model." She says. Honestly that was brilliant.
"No, I can't-"
"That's perfect." Danai says.
"No, I could never, you guys are family!" I say.
"Think about it!" Lauren says.
"This could really work." Katelyn says.
"what about you guys? What about Carl and Avery?"
"She's right. She's vital." Sonequa says.
"It was just a thought." Alanna says.
"I'm here I'm here!" Emily walks in.
"Hey!" I stand up and hug her. I try and let go but she won't let me.
"You ok?" She softly whispered in my ear.
"For now." I say.
"What are you guys talking about?" She asks.
"Ugh-" Lauren was about to talk.
"She knows everything, I was just filling them in in my life." I say.
"You could right a book about it." Emily says sitting down.
"For real." I say.
"You should have seen them today." Katelyn says.
"Oh stop." I say.
"'14'" Alanna says. I laugh.
"What's 14?" Emily asks.
"Ok. Avery just showed Carl up and they are protecting the house when a wolf walks in and shoves Carl to the floor. Avery kills him and Carl asks: kill count?" Katelyn says.
"And Avery is all bad ass and she's like: 14." Alanna says. We all laugh.
"You and that AR though." Christian says.
"I pursued my music dream, but if I could do both I would do it in a heartbeat. I miss you guys so much." Emily says.
"We miss you too." I say. We all hug. One big hug. Hugs all around. Many shots of hugs because I may just do what Alanna said. And I needed those hugs. Rachel really needed those hugs.

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