Chapter 2 part 2

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Hey guys wow it's been a very long time and I'm sorry I haven't update in sooooo long but I just read my story over and realized that I made so many mistakes and I apologize :( but let's continue I kinda forgot my plot so I'll wing it~

Eren's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock and I slammed my hand on it to make it shut up. I got up and put my uniform on then went into the bathroom to fix up my hair. After I was finished I grabbed my backpack and viola and headed downstairs. I saw Mikasa already sitting at the dining table eating a bowl of cereal so I walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl.

"Is that all you're going to eat?" Mikasa asked me while putting her bowl in the sink and grabbed her car keys off the table.
"Yeah if I ate anymore we would be late for school." I replied walking out the door.
"Alright then." Mikasa said getting into the car.
We got to the school and I walked in the school and towards my locker then I saw Armin waiting by it.
"Hey Armin. You ready for the mocking Jay tomorrow?" I asked putting my stuff into my locker.
"Yeah I'm excited! Oh I was wondering if we could bring more people along." Armin replied while looking at me with pleading eyes.
"Alright who do you want to bring?" I asked shutting my locker and walking to class.
"Levi and your older sister with her friend." Armin said.
"That's fine with me." 'NOT' I told him and then thought in my head. ' After what happened yesterday I don't want to see Levi..... Maybe I should tell Mikasa about me....' My thoughts were interrupted when I bumped into someone and almost fell but that person caught me. I looked up to see the one person I didn't want to see right now..............................Levi.

Sorry I know it's a short chapter I'll try to update tomorrow if I have time. Right now in going to review my mistakes in my previous chapters.

1. Letting Eren walk out of the house naked in the first chapter
2. Spelling Armin's name wrong

That's all so I you see something that says I updated in your notifications its this chapter and those edits. Thanks guys I know only some of you guys commented about liking my story and I'm surprised to see I got 14 votes (in total) so thank again! <3 I'll really try my best to update from now on if you guys want~

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