Chapter 4 part 1

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Levi's POV~~~~
Today was the day of the picnic and I was currently in a jewelry store buy a necklace for Ms. Hanji. I was looking around but couldn't find the perfect one for her. But that was until I found a pearl necklace with blue I think diamonds around it.
"I would like that one please." I told the woman. She took out and handed it to me. It was pretty expensive but it was worth it.
"How sweet is it for your girlfriend?" The woman asked.
"Yeah something like that." I replied. After I paid I walked to my car and went inside. I drove to where we're having the picnic and hid the necklace in a compartment in my car. I had to drive Eren and Armin home later.
At the picnic Eren's POV~~~
I had arrived at the picnic spot and began setting up with Armin. Had the blanket on the floor with a rock on each corner so it doesn't fly away. We had put all of the food in the middle and the plates, cups, spoons, forks, knifes, etc. around it. We picked a spot with a grill next to it just in case anybody want to grill something. We had a volleyball net set up on the left away from the blanket. Everything was set up and we didn't know what to do so we just sat there and talked until Mikasa, her friend Sasha, Levi and Ms. Hanji arrived. Armin is my best friend now and...I think it's about time I told him..
"Hey Armin I need to tell you something." I looked around and made sure nobody was around.
"What's up?" He asked.
"Well..." I looked around once more. "I'" I whispered in his ear.
He looked at me shocked. "You'" He asked. I nodded my head and looked down. "Eren I'm not gonna judge you for what your sexuality is." He said slowly. I snapped my head up to him and looked at him with wide eyes.
"You're...not..?" I asked. He shook his head.
"You're my best friend I would never judge you." He said smiling. I hugged him and he hugged me back. I started to cry a little bit on his shoulder. He seemed to notice this and pulled away and was worried. "Why are you crying?!"
"The l-last time I told this to someone...*sniffle* they told me I was d-disgusting and that they w-wanted nothing to d-do with me. They said that I was just a w-waste of s-space." I stuttered wiping my tears away. He firmly grabbed my shoulders and looked at me in the eyes and said,
"You shouldn't care about what they think of you. Because they're in the past and this is the present. They may not have accepted you for who you are but I do. I'm your best friend and I accept you no matter what." He finished off with a smile. I smiled back at him and then stood up. He then followed and I dried my tears.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick to wash my face." I said and he nodded. I turned around and started heading towards the bathroom. I walked in and wash my face to get rid of the redness in my eyes. The bathrooms were cleaner than I had expected them to be, but anyways after I finished I walked out and started heading back to Armin. When I got there I saw my sister and her friend sitting on the blanket talking to Armin. I walked over to them and joined in.
"Hey Eren. Guess we're still waiting for Levi huh?" Mikasa asked with a pink tinge on her face. What was that about? I shook the thought away and nodded.
"Yeah but he had invited Ms. Ha hi to come along as well so we're wai-" my sentence was cut short when a voice called us out.
"Hey Eren, Mikasa, Sasha and Armin!" I turned around and found Ms. Hanji with Levi trailing behind. I narrowed my eyes a bit and turned back around. They sat on the blanket as well and SURPRISE SURPRISE Levi had sat next to Ms. Hanji. The memory of Ms. Hanji and the new nurse filled my thoughts for a bit and when I looked up Levi and her were engaged in a conversation with everyone else. I shouldn't let this ruin today. I shook my head and joined in the conversation.
"Alright guys what should do first?" Mikasa asked.
"Are any of you guys hungry yet?" Armin asked. Everybody shook their heads. "Then let's play volleyball!" He suggested. Everyone nodded and got up. We all walked over to the net and decided teams. Mikasa, me and Ms. Hanji were on the same team and the other team had Levi, Armin and Sasha.
Time Skip~~~
We had played 4 different games, 2 of which we changed up the teams. We all headed back to the blanket and started passing out food. When everybody was full we packed up the food and brought it back to the cars along with the volley ball stuff. (Everybody brought food of some kind) We all didn't know what to do so we all laid on the blanket and stared up at the sky. The picnic started around 12 and it was around 5 now. The sky was turning orange and it was beautiful. Everybody got up and we were all about to leave. Armin and I had to go with Levi because Mikasa was spending the night at Sasha's and already had all of her stuff with her so she didn't need to go home. They had left first and it was just Armin and I. We were waiting for Levi.
"I'll go check to see what's holding him up." I said and he nodded.
Levi's POV~~~
"Ms. Hanji! Wait!" I called out to her. She turned around and gave me a confused and uncomfortable look. When I kissed her at the theater the other day she looked shocked and I saw a hint of anger before she left. I walked up to her and pulled out the necklace. "I got this for you." I told her and started putting it around her neck.
"Levi I can't a-" I cut her off with another kiss. I then quickly pulled back and smiled. But that smile quickly dropped when I saw Eren crying behind her. I didn't say anything though because I was caught up in the moment with Ms. Hanji. I was so caught up that I hadn't noticed that he ran away.
"Levi you need to stop." Her voice brought me back. I looked at her with confusion and hurt.
"Stop what? You know how I feel about you!" I told her.
"I do but that's not the point." She said and she took off the necklace. "You may have feelings for me but I can't return them. I'm in love with someone else." She handed me back the necklace as she said those words. I could feel my heart breaking. She looked at me with a bit of sympathy. "I'm sorry." And with that she turned and walked away. I cried. I stood there and cried. Clenching onto the necklace I brought it up to my face and then threw it. I wiped away my tears and walked back to my car to only find Armin there with a worried face.
"Where's Eren?" I asked. He snapped his head up and narrowed his eyes at me. What's his problem?
"He walked home." He simply said. I shrugged and we both got into the car and I dropped him off. When I got home I laid on my bed and repeated the words over and over again.
"I'm in love with someone else." My jaw tightened and I cried a bit more into my pillow. Before I knew it I passed out.
This chapter is longer and has lots of more drama. Next chapter will be Eren's POV about what he saw and his secret. 👀 Thank you for reading!! 🐼

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