Chapter 1 pt. 2

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Part 2 of Chapter 1. Let me know if you like it so far. 🐼

Eren's POV:

Biology had just finished and I was getting my stuff together when a boy with blond hair and blue eyes came up to me.

" Hi Eren! My name is Armin." he said.

"Hi Armin. Did you need something?" I asked.

" I was wondering if we could be friends." he said scratching the back of his head.

" Sure!" I replied.

We walked out of the classroom together and I look at my schedule to see what I have next.

"Hey can I see your schedule?" Armin asked

"Sure." I replied

"Hey we have biology, P.E., and math together!" he exclaimed.

"Really? That's cool." I said

Mikasa's POV:

I'm walking down the hall when I see Eren walking with a friend. I smiled and start running towards him when I slipped on someone's textbook and before I knew it I was falling.

" Hey you alright?"

I heard someone ask me and when I opened my eyes I see that most popular guy right in front of me! I feel my face heat up a little.

" Yeah I'm fine. Thank you." I replied

He helped me up and said, " That's good and don't run in the halls."

I nodded my head and then he walked away. Then I remember Eren as he was walking towards me.

"Hey Mikasa, this my friend Armin." he told me.

" You made a friend? That's wonderful." I told him.

" Are you okay Mikasa? Your face is red, are you sick?" Eren asked me looking concerned.

"No I just... Never mind you should get to class and don't run in the halls." I replied.

" Okay I'll see you at home." He told me.

I ignored him and walked to the bathroom and washed my face. Still blushing about what happened.

Levi's POV:

I'm walking calmly in the hallway and then I turn to the right and I see Eren walking with someone. Then I face forward and see a girl running and she slipped on a book. I ran towards her and caught her.

"Hey you alright?" I asked her.

She opened her eyes and I can see her blushing a little. She replied, " Yeah i'm fine. Thank you."

I helped her up and told her, " That's good and don't run in the halls."

She nodded and walked away. I kept thinking about Eren. How his eyes were blue/green and how he had a cute smile. Then I bump into someone and I notice the voice right away. Ms.Hanji.

"Oops sorry. Are you okay?" Ms.Hanji asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." I replied.

"That's good. I will see you later." she said then walked to her classroom.

'Oh my gosh I can't believe I ran into her' I thought and then walked to P.E. I have had a crush on the math teacher for 1 year now but never told anybody.

Nobody's POV:

Eren and Armin walked into the gym together and headed for the locker room when they saw Levi walking towards them.

" Hey brats what are you looking at. Wait a minute aren't you the new kid Eren?" Levi asked while staring at Eren's eyes and thinking how beautiful they were.

" Hi I'm not a brat and yeah I'm the new kid." Eren replied.

" Are you gonna stand there or go in?" Levi asked.

"Oh sorry." Armin apologized while moving out of the way.

Levi made a 'tch' sound and walked into the locker room and the two boys followed him in.

Sorry if you don't like it. If you don't like it then stop reading it but if you do please comment something nice!!! ^~^ Thank you!!

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