Chapter 9 - Case 1

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Ok, in this chapter I mention 'kanji' and 'hiragana' which some of you (ahem Sophie) probably won't know so I'm just gonna give a quick, simple description for the future, as I'll probably refer to them a lot.

Kanji - the Chinese characters in the Japanese language that each have different meanings and even if one character looks the same, it can be pronounced differently in different contexts. Of the approximately 50,000 characters, the average person is expected to know at least 2,000.

Hiragana - the phonetic Japanese characters that are always pronounced the same and often used by younger children. Basically, the children's easy alphabet.

ALSO - if you have found a good book series or TV series - like say, I don't know, The Fallen Star or Pretty little liars - don't tell your friends. Don't trust them with anything. They will do whatever it takes to make your life a misery and spoil them for you.

I hate you. You know who you are. T^T

Ghost hunt is not owned by meee


Late Saturday Evening


Well this is awkward.

So, a few hours ago, Ayako checked my injuries and to see if I was seriously hurt or not. I only had a small cut on my head - nothing deep and no concussion so I was good to go! The only time she talked to me was when she asked me how I knew she was from a family of doctors. I made up some excuse about how I'd heard their names before, since they're great doctors so I just assumed she was related to them. She accepted that. We then went back, helped out with more tasks and monitoring, etcetera, until Naru told everyone to head home and for Lin to pack up.

Except me.

So now I'm stuck in a deadly silent, dark, creepy room with an austere, tall guy dressed in black with cold eyes glaring daggers at me.

So as I said before, this is awkward.

Though to be honest, I may have a been a little harsh before...

Ok, I was just plain vile. God aren't I such a nice person? I hate feeling guilty...

So I sucked in my breath and looked down at the floor before spilling out an apology.


Wow real smooth. I hate myself.

I kept my eyes firmly locked onto my feet as I heard his footsteps approach me.

"Mai. I can't understand you if you speak so stupidly fast. Idiot."

I snap my head up and was about to give him a piece of my mind when I remember that I'm supposed to be apologising. I take a deep breath and apologise again, but slower.

"I'm really sorry for earlier." I said, as calmly as possible, "I didn't mean what I said, so I apologise and I hope you can forgive me."

God that is the most sincere apology I have ever given.

He looked down at me, arms crossed and an annoying smirk plastered to his face.

"Oh, so you want the 'arrogant ass' to forgive you now?" He leered.

I think he's still a little angry.

"Umm kinda," I sighed "But if you don't want to that's totally ok!" I say, raising my hands in the air.

He looked at me for a moment then uncrossed his arms and leant on a desk.

"How did you know that Miss Matsuzaki was a qualified doctor?"

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