Chapter 17 - Case 2

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Saturday Night



Swivelly chairs are undoubtedly one of the best things to happen to mankind.

You can spin on them, glide around the room, act like you're a pirate and pretend you're on a roller coaster.

Yes. Yes I am easily amused.

Granted, I probably should have been preparing some sort of excuse for when Naru decides to interrogate me again, but I never seem to do well when I'm left with just my thoughts. The fact that I'm absolutely exhausted doesn't really help either.

I'm more of the type that needs to focus on something since my mind drifts off easily.

It's like, one second, Naru's left the room and I'm frantically thinking of excuses to use when he comes back, when I realise that I'm pretty tired so I flop down onto his chair. I then go 'ooooh' at how comfy it is and jokingly think how unfair it is that Naru kept it to himself. Maybe there was an alternate universe where Naru has a complete personality make-over and would share the comfort of the chair with everyone else. Why couldn't I have been transported there?

Oh my god and since I now know there is an alternate universe, does that mean there are aliens? It makes sense, right? Or does that make everyone in this reality an alien since they technically don't come from where I come from? Wait, with that logic, I'M the alien to THIS reality.

Is alien even technically the correct term? An 'alien', in extraterrestrial terms, would be used to define an organism deriving from a different planet, but I'm not from a different planet per say, more like I'm from an different reality.

Assuming this is in fact a separate reality and not some planet simulating life from the real planet. You know, my planet. Unless this is the real one and I'm actually from a non existent plane formed by a true person's subconscious. Maybe that's why I'm here in an incorporeal form as opposed to my own body...

Yeah you wouldn't believe some of the shit that goes through my mind at points.

Though usually, when I'm left to my own thoughts and there are actually people around, I kinda end up staring at them. Or, through them. So I was often told by my friends anyways. I completely denied it until a teacher called me out on it once. He asked me a question (but I wasn't really paying attention) and I just gave him this blank look since I didn't even realise he was talking to me until he said my name. He gave me a funny glance and said it was like I was staring right through him. Most people laughed at that, but this one girl, Sophie, just gave me the 'I-fucking-told-you-so-you-didn't-believe-me-but-I-fucking-called-it' face. God I miss her.

But yeah.

Basically I daydream. A lot.

Which is probably the reason why I didn't notice Naru was in the room until he's grabbing the back of the spinning chair and I'm clutching the arms to avoid face planting.

"Jesus-" He moves in front of me and places his hands in front of mine on the arms, pretty much blocking off escape from the chair.

Oh dear.

"You know this is a little too intimidating for my liking so I'm just gonna squidge through here and..." I place my palms together and nudge one side of his ribs, attempting to squeeze through the gap underneath his armpit. He simply steps to that side to block me. I try to escape through the opening he left on his other side, but he sidesteps again quickly.

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