Chapter 13 - Filler 1

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Later on Wednesday


So I would like to introduce you my new friend, Billy McScmilly, Bill for short. He just so happens to be the lovely clock that I've been staring at for the past one hundred and thirty seven minutes - pardon me, one hundred and thirty eight minutes - as I've sorta been lounging around on this really, really comfortable couch since Naru left one hundred and thirty nine minutes ago.

So yeah, meet Bill. He's fab.

No, no I'm not some crazy, demented psychopath with nothing better to do than stare at a clock all day. It's just that I couldn't be bothered to actually move my fat butt of this really nice warm spot I've made and...

Well, and I guess I have nothing better to do that stare at a clock.

I did try to fall asleep, honestly, but considering it's the middle of the day and all, that proved to be quite difficult. I find it hard enough to fall asleep at night to be honest; I usually end up dozing off sometime after midnight and sleep all through the morning. Yeah, if you catch me awake in the morning I may just rip your teeth out. Fair warning.

Oh and there's that pain again, starting to gnaw it's way into my stomach, like my hamster used to chew it's way through my super cute and fluffy jumpers. It's then that I think to myself that I really should get up now and take some aspirin.

Groaning, I drag myself off the comfy, soft, warm, woollen couch and stagger towards the kitchen, after grabbing the two empty 'Heyyo Katty!' mugs from the coffee table by the sofa.

It's not like I expected Naru to take his mug to the sink and wash it up or anything, but it still would've been polite to at least offer or something, instead of saying that he 'had work to do' then buggering off one hundred and forty two minutes ago. I mean, that's what a normal person would do, instead just leaving it there on the coffee table where it left a round stain of sticky liquid because he didn't put it on a coaster.

Oh God I'm starting to sound like my Mum.

I dump the two mugs into the sink before swallowing a few pills of aspirin and then I lean on the counter, sighing. Just as my belly lets out a mahoosive rumbling noise.

Well crap. Guess who forgot to make lunch?

I sigh. I can not be assed to make myself a sandwich or cook anything right now, even though I'm kinda hungry for a sandwich. God I'm such a lazy bum.

With that thought, I grab the keys and purse containing the leftover cash from my shopping trip earlier and leave the apartment in search for a small cafe or someplace where I can grab a bite to eat.

You know those times when you're hungry, but you only feel like eating certain things? Or you know, that could just be me... Meh, well anyway, this is one of those times. I am practically starving to death but I only feel like eating a sandwich. With tuna mayonnaise. And cress.

Except of course, they probably don't even bloody well sell sandwiches in Japan, do they? It's probably all 'sushi' and 'ramen' and cakes and stuff. Barely ever seen an anime character eat a sandwich. Not that I should be basing Japanese people on anime characters... I mean, it's not like I'm in an anime or anything, is it?

See what I mean? Just passed a bloomin' ramen shop and I'm still not even one hundred percent sure what ramen is. Maybe instead of just wandering around aimlessly searching for a cafe that sells sandwiches, I should just ask someone. It's the only way I'm probably gonna get anywhere without getting too lost, though I have a feeling I already am. I quickly turn around to look behind me and whadd'ya know, my apartment's not anywhere to be seen.

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