Love with Pain

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Works of imagination.



Being our school's Literary Editor is one of my little goals in life. Yes, I did become one, surprisingly. It wasn't a hard job for a practicing writer such as me. It was fun actually, and it helped me a lot when writing stories. Reading other people's stories can make me come up of another type of plot. As usual, most of them talk about love. Mostly romantic love, some are friendship love, family love, idolatry; I even had encountered a story wherein she fell in love with a fictional character. Isn't love creepy? But that's the beautiful thing of it, right?

Everything has its absence, and love isn't complete without pain. Pain is a need when it comes to love. Yes, you don't want to experience pain but don't you feel that there's a lack of something when you wouldn't experience it? Yes, you are happy but imagine a relationship with no fights, no arguments, and no problems. Doesn't it felt like your relationship is just a joke? Try imagining a relationship with no problems, won't you miss that feeling of screaming and fighting with him in the rain then he pulls you after and kisses you to shut you up? Or when you're mad at him then he hugs you from the back then whispers, "I love you."? Pain comes then goes. It might be gone not too soon but just go with its flow. If it demands to be felt, then cry. Don't try hiding and denying it because if you keep on doing those things, it'll come back and haunt you for the rest of your lives. Just think of happy thoughts and think of pain as a positive thing.

Now, if you're about to experience this thing called love, most of you immediately think of what ifs. What if he will never love me back? What if I get hurt? What if he loves someone else? What if, what if, what if! What if you'll just shut up and stop thinking about what will happen in the future? Mind the present and seize the feeling of being in love. Okay, I'm done.


A/N: Just made this essay because I was bored.

A/N: Just made this essay because I was bored

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