Heart String

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An excerpt from a book I will never write.

Works of imagination.



I've heard other people say that Love is the most powerful magic of all. Well, I couldn't allege with that. I've seen how it worked on others especially with me. I've been a hopeless romantic ever since. I fancy Love too much that it had hurt me lots of times. Sadly, Love cannot be present without Pain. In order to love, you need to feel pain; that's the proof that Love is real. But I never knew it would sting this much. I've always have this notion that human beings are the worst to love but I was mistaken.

Being a kid, I never believed in magic. Magic is nonexistent. It exists only in stories, in fairytales I'd read. That's what I knew and I believed in before. I grew up, still not believing in magic. But doubting it comes with a price. My world has been dreary. I had no friends. I grew up unwanted. I got mature too fast. I was alone that is why I crave on love. I kept on falling in love again and again, and I kept on getting hurt again and again as well. I tried to believe in the most powerful magic of all but I kept on failing. Maybe because it was too late for me, that's what I thought. But then, one night just changed it all.

~ * ~

My vision was blurry. I have no hunch of where I am going. My head was in torment and I felt giddy. Although I drank quite a lot of beer, I knew that my mind is still working well. And I can feel for sure that I am currently lost in the woods. I looked high and saw the night sky. I continued wandering until I felt like I was about to throw up. I couldn't hold it in any longer so I vomited at somewhere, somewhere that gave an echo sound the moment I vomited. Is this a wishing well? I carry on puking to let myself feel better. I gaped down the well, waiting for my body to give me a warning if I still needed to puke. But all of a sudden, I saw something foggy aping up the well. I flickered and thought I was just envisaging about the fog but then it continued rising and it's coming towards me. I noticed that the fog was sparkling. Am I hallucinating? Maybe this is because of those shots of beer I drank earlier at the party. But I thought I was just a little tipsy. I immediately went away from the well. Without warning, something swift revealed itself out of the well.

"I heard you."

The blurry vision, the dizziness, and the pain inside my head were gone the moment I saw this creature standing in front of me. All I feel now is the sensation of my heart palpitating. I could no longer control my hands; they were shaking in an odd trembling rhythm. I stood, paralyzed and felt my legs crumple beneath me. Questions run all over my head. Who is this? How come he went out the well? What kind of monster is he?

"That's too rude, darling." A smirk came out from his lips.

Did he just read what's on my mind?

"Who— what are you?" I tried to talk even though I can hardly speak because all I hear now is my heart throbbing.

"Didn't you call for me on that well?" He pointed the well behind him.

"What? I— I didn't."

He walked approaching me. I draw back, not wanting him to touch me.

"You didn't but your heart did." He smirked.

"Just answer me! Who are you?"

"I am the God of Love, darling."

"Cupid?" I spoke trying not to break my voice.


"Oh, do you think I am that gullible to believe you?" I ran away from him after I finished my sentence.

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