Break Up

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Works of imagination.



It's been seven years since we broke up. It was unbearable. We both loved each other and in one snap everything went dark. We've been in love since 10th grade. He was just an ordinary guy. He's not that prince charming every girl dream of but he caught me. I'm that girl who dreams of a perfect man. I wanted a prince to like me, but instead God gave me a slave. But he was no slave of any king or queen, prince or princess, but he's a slave of me. He told me he's ready to serve me until he runs out of breath. But I told him I don't need any slave. I just want someone to love me.

I remembered how happy he was that time. He confessed to me and I remembered how his eyes sparkle when he heard me saying that I have feelings for him as well. I remembered how his face got so worried every time I looked gloomy. I also remembered how his face brightened up every time he does something that can make me happy. I remembered those nights when we were at the bedroom, just hugging and feeling each other's heat. I remembered those times that I told him about my problems and just one hug from him will slip it all away. I remembered how he ran to my house that's 7 kilometers away from his house because he knew I was very sick. He's even holding a burger with fries while running. I remembered how he took my hand and kissed me in the rain. I remembered that time when we were fighting, he was fuming mad and I am as well. I purposely broke the vase and got wounded. He was so mad but still, he immediately went to me when he heard me shouted. He cured it and that made our fight stop. I remembered those fights, those fights that almost tear us apart but we stayed strong until now, until now that we broke up.

He left me. Broken. Shattered to pieces.

I remembered that night... That night when we broke up. It's all my fault. He was worried sick about me. I got very ill. He told me to stay inside my house and wait for him there, but I did not follow him. It's midnight when I decided to go outside the house because I wanted to buy some food for us to eat when he arrive at my house. I was so confident that there are no longer cars on that time but I heard a loud sound of a horn. I froze at the pedestrian lane when I saw a huge truck coming for me. At that time, all I could think about is him. I wanted to shout his name but I was frozen. All memories with him suddenly flashed back from my head.

But I heard a voice shouted my name.

The voice shouted my name again.

I was about to move to know the person behind that voice who shouted my name but then I was pushed and got unconscious.

I remembered how we broke up. He shouted my name, and pushed me away from him.

He broke up with me, still loving me.

And I am here, it's our seventeenth anniversary. Instead of him giving me flowers, I stared at the stone with his name on it, and put the white roses beside it.

I was wrong. He was no prince, nor my slave. But he is my savior.



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