Chapter 14: Run

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~The Evening of the Sixth Day of Ash Tree~

The night was a bit chilly when Agil opened the back door to let some hot air out of the kitchen. The bar was ridiculously busy since it was flooded with people (and Faeries) and he barely had much of a break. Sighing, he stepped out of the kitchen to take in the cool air of Ash Tree. There was a moment of peace that Agil found calming despite the craziness all around. Sadly, it didn't last very long.

"Agil." called a voice behind him. The bar tender blinked in surprise when he recognized the voice immediately.

"Heathcliff?" he asked as he turned around. There, standing at the corner of the building, was the Leader of the Knights of the Blood Oath. His face was set and grim as he approached Agil.

"I have an important message from HIs Majesty." Heathcliff said. Agil took note of a white envelope in his hand and crossed his arms.

"It's time, isn't it." he asked, already knowing the answer. Heathcliff closed his eyes.

"Yes," he confirmed. He opened his eyes with determination. "Pack a few bags for a long journey. They need to able to reach Mishe within a month with enough stops for rest. Morgan will bring you the horses tomorrow morning. Be sure that they are ready to ride at a moment's notice."

"So, in other words, make sure they get out of here quickly and safely." Agil said as he nodded in understanding. "I wish you gave us a day earlier. Kirito's eating habits make things a bit harder to pack for him."

Heathcliff chuckled. "Hahaha, well, you can't blame him and nor do I doubt it. He is, after all, Kazune's son."

"Hahaha, that's true...Although, I still find it hard to believe that this is happening." Agil said with a shake of his head. Heathcliff stared at him for a moment before looking up at the night sky.

"Neither can I. I cannot imagine the pain those children will go through. If it were another time, those children would've lived a peaceful life." Heathcliff said. Agil grimaced.

"A peaceful life, huh?" he pondered. "I guess it's too much to ask."

Heathcliff sighed and looked away from the sky.

"All we can do for now is make sure they get out of here safely. I know for a fact that Prince Scary will find a way to make sure our Prince will come home one day. We mustn't give up hope before it begins, Agil." he said, giving Agil a quick pat on the shoulder for assurance. The bar tender hummed in acknowledgement.

"Then I pray that the Goddess Etra will protect them."

"So will I."


~The Evening of the Seventh Day of Ash Tree~

"What's happening?!" Kazuto cried as Asuna dragged him away from the center of the ballroom. His hand was tightly gripped in hers to the point where it nearly crushed his bones. "Asuna!"

Asuna didn't even bother to answer him as she suddenly pulled him close to her body. Out of no where, she pulled out a dagger and lashed out. Kazuto flinched when he felt warm blood splatter across his back and the sickening thud of a body.

"Please close your eyes, Your Highness." Asuna said with serious thick in her voice, "and trust me to guide you."

Kazuto gritted his teeth and did what he was told. Immediately, he felt Asuna grab his hand in a bone-crushing grip and pulled him away from the chaos. More than once, he felt Asuna swing her dagger at whoever came their way. He couldn't tell if they were friend or foe, but he prayed that they were enemies. Within moments, he felt the surroundings clear up a bit. Easily, he figured they were outside somewhere.

The Prince of Aincrad - BeginningsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz