Chapter 3: The King of Aincrad and Heathcliff's Candidates

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Chapter 3: The King of Aincrad and Heathcliff's Candidates

The King of Aincrad held back a sigh as he watched his council argue back and forth between themselves. They were arguing about who to send to greet the King of Alfheim. To him, it was completely ridiculous. He was called to a meeting this early in the morning to discuss last-minute about who to greet Oberon?!

He mentally huffed but kept his composure with a straight back, hands rested on the edge of his armrest, and a slight look of irritation. He should be getting ready to meet his son at the dining hall and spend a day with him! But, his stupid-excuse him-(un)wise counsel just had to call him out to change his plans!

"I think we should send-" began one of the old wrinkly men sitting around the table. The King was done with this pointless argument.

"I will be the one to greet him. Just as I have done for the past twenty years." he said in his regal voice. The council turned to look at him in surprise, some sighing in relief. He stood up in a swift movement and gave a stern glare.

"What is wrong with this council? You people may think that your place is more important than others, but let us not forget the purpose of a council." he reprimanded. The King shook his head in grave disappointment. "Calling a meeting that is overly pointless and utterly useless is a waste of our time and energy. I trust that this will never happen again?"

One of the council members stood up and bowed in respect. "Our apologies, My King. We did not call for meeting over King Oberon's greeter. In fact, we were planning to discuss about Prince Kazuto's guard. I believe we should choose his guard."

The King slowly blinked. "Lord Aron. I have already asked the leader of the Knights of the Blood Oath to choose three candidates capable of being my son's guard last night."

"Heathcliff, My King? Are you sure you can trust him?" asked another council member. The King crushed his urge to roll his eyes as the newest member of his council, Lord Adan, spoke up. He didn't like Adan. It wasn't because he was a middle aged man who was a former war veteran, but rather his constant questions and disagreements.

"He leads a group of rogues that were picked off the streets! No one there is of noble blood. Let alone worthy to be in our capital!" Lord Adan spat. Many others agreed with him. A woman huffed in frustration.

"If I may, this council is not completely made up of nobility. I recall that Lord Harris and Lady Ravena were born in the commoner class." she snapped. The King raised his hand the silence them.

"Peace, Lady Rowena. There is no need for unnecessary arguments." he said. With a heavy sigh, he began to cross the war room with slow, echoing steps. Many of the other seated council members felt a shiver run down their spines while a few inwardly sighed, knowing that it wasn't going to end very well. "You people must have forgotten, and it seems I need to remind you yet again."

He stopped next to Lord Aron with a cold, deadly stare, quickly reminding every one of how dangerous their king was. "I am King. I choose what must be done and how it will be done. I came here, thinking there was an emergency that needed my immediate attention."

"But, My King-" Lord Aron tried to save himself, but the King's glare became colder and silenced him immediately.

"I understand you are worried for whom my son's guard will be, but you will have no part in choosing who it will be. It will be Kazuto's choice, and only by his choice." he emphasized coldly. Lord Aron bowed his head and took his seat again with a small "Yes, Your Majesty."

The King gave a curt nod and resumed his slow, intimidating walk. As he passed, a few members squirmed in their chair, unable to stay calm. He stopped directly behind Lord Adan. "Lord Adan, your constant questioning is beginning to make me wonder..."

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