Chapter 5: Mistaken Suspect

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Chapter 5: Mistaken Suspect

The candlelight flickered gently as night grew long. It lit up a small portion of the center of the darkening library of the castle as two children (or should I say, teens) were sitting at a finely wooden table with a marble chess board between them. Nine black chess pieces sat innocently at one side of the table.

"...and checkmate. This makes it the 384th win for me." said the Prince as he slid his white bishop in front of his opponent's black king. Across him, the girl with short black hair and matching eyes, glared at him. She wore a navy blue, long lace dress that frilled at her skirt. Her left wrist was wrapped in a delicate blue ribbon with a bow. Of course, Kazuto didn't miss the gleam of Suguha's silver dagger at her side.

"Argh! Why do you have to be so good in chess?!" the Princess of Aincrad complained. Kazuto shrugged with an innocent smile on his face.

"Suguha," he began, "A lady should never complain. It's very unladylike."

Kazuto laughed lightly and shook his head as Suguha's face glowed red in embarrassment. "Well, a gentleman shouldn't be so brutal with his sister!"

"Brutal? I was going easy on you. Besides, you still got 273 chances to catch up." Kazuto said casually. Suguha slapped her hands on the wooden table.

"Oh, for the love of Etra! We didn't even reach thirteen turns yet, and you call this 'going easy' on me?!" she demanded. Before Kazuto could answer, a motherly voice interrupted them.

"Suguha. That is no way to treat your brother."

The two looked up and saw a beautiful, black haired woman with ebony eyes standing in front of the doorway into the library. She wore a long, crimson corset dress with ribbon sleeves. Her hair was tied into a bun behind her. In her lightly tanned hand was a small taper candle in an elegant glass holder.

Kazuto resisted the urge to grimace when he saw his mother's sword, the Anneal Blade, strapped to her side. He always wanted to at least hold it, but his mother was careful to keep it away from him. Usually, his mother never wore her sword around the castle. But, he internally sighed. After all, everyone who knew how to defend themselves had some sort of weapon on them. Even the maids, at the very least, had a dagger on them.

"But mother-" Suguha began. The Queen of Aincrad silenced her with a look.

"Now, I know it's early but now is not the time to be messing around. Kazuto, the moon has appeared. It time for you to go to bed." their mother said. She held the candle a little higher and gave her son a look.

Kazuto shared an apologetic glance with his sister as got up to leave. "I'm sorry, mother. I lost track of time. Good night, Suguha."

"Good night, Kazuto! Thanks for that teaching game. I really appreciate it." Suguha said as he passed her, patting her head gently. She watched as her mother followed him out before turning back to the chess board.

"Suguha, I will return. It's almost time for your late evening lessons with me." the Queen said over her shoulder. Suguha replied with a quick , "Yes, mother!" Their footsteps echoed and faded as her mother escorted Kazuto back to his tower. She picked up the white king and frowned.

Each time they played chess, she never allowed Kazuto to play black. There was a reason why, too. It wasn't because she wanted to play black, it was something odd that really made Kazuto seem...different. Sometimes, she wouldn't see her frail, kind-hearted, shy older brother, who was afraid of the outside world. She caught glimpses of someone who was braver, stronger, and defiant. Every time he held a black chess piece, it reminded her about the rumors she heard about a mysterious boy dressed in black.

The Prince of Aincrad - BeginningsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz