Chapter 8: The Bound

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Chapter 8: The Bound

*Two days before Asuna was appointed*

It was a peaceful day in the Kingdom of Gale. The skies were clear and the wind was perfectly easy-going today. All in all, it was just another normal day in the kingdom. Well, would've been normal if the Prince never received a letter from his father while on his little hunting escapade in the northern region. They weren't even able to hunt down a small little rabbit!

"Wait a whole Goddess-damn minute... Are you telling me that I, the Prince of Gale, and my sister, Sinon, are invited to the masquerade ball in time for their annual birthday celebration for a Prince that's too damn scared to face his own people in the place of my own Goddess-damn Father?!" asked a sky blue-haired seventeen-year-old, his voice raising. The servant nodded wordlessly, shaking in fear of the Prince's temper. His little sister looked up from her crossbow with a slightly interested look as her brother sighed heavily. "Fine. But tell my Father that this is the last time I am ever going to some lame noble-or royal party!"

Sinon frowned and shook her head, silently praying to Etra for safety on their way to Aincrad, because she knew she'd be damned if she didn't.

The Prince of Gale haphazardly tossed the letter back to the poor servant, who scrambled to catch it, and dismissed him with a single flick of his wrist. The servant bowed his head low and hurried off to the horse he rode upon. Sinon quietly watched the servant ride off from her makeshift seat (which was a dark blue cloak that the prince wore before they left the castle). Her brother took a seat next to her and scowled.

"I swear, Father would do anything to get rid of us. I mean, aren't we already out of his way? This is why we go monster hunting every Goddess-damn afternoon." the Prince grumbled. Sinon shook her head, her light-blue hair swaying with her as she rested a hand on her brother's shoulder.

"You know, Yu-" she began but the glare from her brother made her quickly change her next choice of words. "I mean, Scary, I have a feeling that maybe this will be a great opportunity to make some friends that are...alive."

"I don't befriend the dead!" the Prince, Scary, defended himself with his arms crossing across his chest. "They start talking to me."

The Princess sighed and shook her head as she stood up, clutching her precious crossbow, Hecate. She didn't have to name it, but since it was the only thing she had since their mother died, she did anyway. It was the only thing that didn't break on her through her brother's aggressive training.

"I suppose. But try to give this Prince a chance. I think you two might actually get along." she stated rather bluntly. She checked to see if Hecate was loaded as Scary sighed. Sinon glanced at her brother and rolled her teal eyes.

"Fine. I'll give it a try." he reluctantly admitted as he got up and flapped his cloak, getting rid of any dead leaves and dirt. He swung it over his shoulders and clasped it back on with his usual scowl on his face. "But if that Prince turns out to be some kind of spoiled brat, I am so outta there."

Scary walked up to his grey horse, Stardust, and mounted him with ease. He led his horse by his sister and held out a hand. Sinon took his hand and he lifted her with little to no difficulty behind him. She secured her hands around his waist and held on tightly as Scary snapped the reins, ushering Stardust toward the castle.

The horse neighed and reared back before dashing forward. Sinon could faintly hear her brother muttering under his breath as Stardust's galloping filled the forest air around them. "Goddess-damn Father. Making us do his political stuff. I bet he's trying to get us both killed somehow..."

She sighed as she clung to her brother, trying to give him some sort of comfort. Scary never liked their father, but he had a good reason. Ever since the Queen of Gale died, the King changed from a loving father and King into a harsh, calculating, aging man who sat on a seat called a "throne". He no longer showed love to his people and destroyed many villages who dared to oppose him.

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