Chapter 4: A Warning

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Chapter 4: A Warning

Kazuto absolutely hated being babied over. It was hard to convince everyone that he was completely fine. Yulier never left his side when she returned with haste when she heard what happened (she literally dropped everything in her hands and ran to his side with her hand ready to unsheathed her sword, nearly scaring the crap out of Kazuto). Klein and Thinker captured the attacker and made sure that the castle guards locked him up in the dungeon. But once they returned they kept asking if he was fine. The Prince had to constantly repeat himself over and over again that he nearly snapped at them to shut up for once. Once everything was fine, the other castle servants quickly cleaned up the mess in his room and covered to now open doorway with thick, heavy curtains.

Apparently, news traveled pretty quickly. When Kazuto returned to his room with Yume perched on his shoulder and forcefully dismissed everyone, he took the time to take a deep breath and-


Kazuto nearly shrieked and Yume squeaked with her wings flapping wildly in the air. A black-haired man in his late twenties hurriedly walked up to his son with his majestic blue coat flowing with him. A golden crown was slightly tilted in his rush to Kazuto's room. Plainly put, he was practically and older version of Kazuto. The only difference was Kazuto was still a teen and he looked more like someone else with his midnight blue eyes and pale complexion from lack of light. Kazuto noted the worry in his father's sky blue, yet slightly tinted red eyes.

"Kazuto! You're not hurt, are you?!" The King asked as he dropped his formality, surprising Kazuto and lightly placed his hands on his shoulders.

"Father, I am fiiiiiiiine!" Kazuto drawled out as he kindly pushed his father's hands away from him. He quickly reminded himself that his father was not twenty, but rather in his early forties. Yume fluttered around and nestled in a comfy spot on his bed. "I am unharmed and well. Can you not see that?"

The King frowned with worry as he looked over his son with his midnight blue eyes. True to his word, Kazuto didn't have a scratch anywhere in sight, nor was there a tear in his clothes. He was relieved and pulled his son into a tight hug. "Thank the heavens, you are unharmed!"

Kazuto was tense in his father's arms, but he slowly relaxed. He closed his eyes and partially hugged his father back in amusement. "See? I told you I am perfectly fine. Why must you always worry?"

He nearly flinched under the king's grip as he tightened the hug. He had forgotten that his father was much stronger than he looked.

"You know why." The King responded. Kazuto sighed and opened his eyes. If anyone was watching, one could see the hint of grief. He gently released his father and took one step back. Kazuto placed the most convincing, reassuring smile he could possibly muster and held his hands away from his sides, as he rocked on his feet like a child.

"Father, there's no need to worry. I have been clear of any ailments for the past few days. No nightmares of anything either." he said as he gestured to himself. The King raised his eye brows.

"No more nightmares? Are you sure?" he questioned caustiously. Kazuto wanted to roll his eyes but didn't. His father was always like this. Even for the smallest things, he would be pestured about his welfare and such until it completely annoyed him. Kazuto sighed in his head as he nodded, keeping his childish act.

"Yes. I'm very sure." he answered firmly. The King heaved a heavy sigh and sat down on Kazuto's bed. He took a look around his son's room and only noted the curtain. "I see there is a slight change in your room."

Kazuto looked the looked the other way and nervousness. "Well...the glass doors broke, so there wasn't much the servants could do..."

A light chuckle made him look at his father in slight confusion. A smile was clear on the King's face as he gustured Kazuto to sit next to him.

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