Chapter 16: A Pointless Sacrifice

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Kazune cursed under his breath at his current situation. His hands were bound behind his back and he couldn't move. Immediately after Kazuto disappeared from his sight, he was captured by Oberon. He was kind of surprised that the other king didn't kill him right then and there. After all, he was completely unarmed without Elucidator. He usually did have a back up sword on his person, but he didn't have it for a good reason.

Instead, Oberon threw him into his study and tied him up, locking him in there. Apparently, the Faerie king needed him for something else entirely... but for what exactly? There's nothing he could possibly be useful for.

Kazune snapped out of his thoughts as the door to his study suddenly opened, revealing a clearly frustrated Oberon.

"Damn you, Kazune." he cursed as he strolled into the room, slamming the door shut. "I didn't expect you be so easy to catch."

"I had no reason to run. Besides, you are my Brother." Kazune said with a roll of his eyes. Oberon unsheathed Excaliber at his side and strolled up to Kazune with a tight frown.

"Brother-in-law, Kazune." he corrected harshly. Kazune smiled bitterly.

"Right. Of course." he agreed. The other king raised Excaliber and held it threateningly at his neck.

"Where is 'he'?" Oberon demanded as he pressed the blade of Excaliber against Kazune's neck, drawing a bit of blood.

"You will never find my son, Oberon." Kazune said calmly.

"I'm not talking about him! Where is 'he'?!" Oberon snapped, pressing the blade further, drawing more blood. Kazune gritted his teeth, knowing what he was asking.

"No, I can't do that." he said firmly, silently cursing at his restraints. If only he could get his hands free...

"Shut up and tell me! Or else I'll have to the same thing I did to Mor'gan!"

"I will not let you reach those children!" Kazune snapped. He leaned back to get rid of the presser against his neck. Oberon moved suddenly, pulling Kazune forward and throwing him to the floor. Kazune grunted as he hit the floor. Not even a second later, he felt the tip of Excaliber slice his opened arms, not only freeing him from the ropes, but slashing the backside of his left arm and right palm open. Kazune only hand the moment to hiss painfully as Oberon picked him up by the collar of his dress shirt, efficiently choking him slightly.

"If you won't tell me," Oberon began as he lifted Kazune high into the air, almost as if the other child was just a pesky child. Kazune didn't move when his feet left the floor and gritted his teeth as Oberon continued with a dark voice, "then I'll make you tell me."


The door to the Chamber of Springs remained untouched as the fires raged above and the death toll grew. In the bright embers of the torches, the door stood magnificently, almost as if it was a center of peace. The only thing out of place was the two bloodied Kings.

"Hurry up, Kazune, we're running out of time." Oberon's face was set and hard as he kicked the King of Aincrad toward the door. Of course, Kazune had his pride. He stumbled a little and took a few paces ahead. There was no way he was giving Oberon the satisfaction of tripping and falling to the floor.

"Why are you doing this, Oberon? Destroying the castle isn't going to get you anywhere." Kazune said as he turned to look at his brother-in-law.

"I said, 'hurry up', Kazune! Open the Chamber of Springs!" Oberon snapped. Kazune glared at him as he stood his ground.

"No. I will not. Not unless you tell me what all of this is about." he said. "You killed not only my people, but also your very own. Do you not feel any remorse?!"

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