Chapter 2: Attempted Murder

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He didn't want to get up. He stayed up late and was dead tired. He knew that he was partially awake, but he refused to open his eyes in attempt to drift back to sleep.

Unfortunately, fate never liked him. A loud sound of flapping wings echoed through his room. He cringed and rolled over. He felt something small and light land on his pillow near him. Whatever it was, it took a deep breath and-


He groaned and waved his hand around in attempt to shoo the pesky noise maker. He buried his face into his soft, fluffy pillow and rested his hands above his head.



The black-haired prince shot up from his pillow and glared at the source of his irritation. A small, innocent blue jay bird stared up at him with its pearly black eyes. The Prince sighed after staring at the bird, blankly.

"Alright, alright, you win." he said as he sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. "I'm up,"

The bird chirped happily and flapped its wings, taking flight as the Prince finally slid out of bed. He stretched to get all the stiffness out of his body. The bird flew over to his large closet and tweeted encouragingly.

"Okay, seriously, I need to give you a name." the Prince mumbled as he crossed his large room, heading over to his closet. He quickly changed his pants for a pair of hazelnut slack-like pants and a brown leather belt. He removed his shirt and paused to look at his mirror behind him. In between his shoulder blades was a multicolored marking. Three blue, tear shapes were clustered together like a flower. A pair of golden like feathers nearly touched the tear drops, one on each side. At the bottom was another blue tear drop. In the center, was a red-orange flame that seemed to flicker with life. Just like the golden like feathers, two pale green leaves lined the sides. In between the feather and leaf of each side, were shimmering black triangular marks. At the very bottom, were three tiny black marks.

The Prince couldn't help but wonder why he had such a marking as he tore his gaze away from the mirror and continued dressing. Ever since he was born, the mark was there. It never shifted or anything, but it grew as he grew. His father, The King of Aincrad, had reassured him many times that the mark is harmless and just a birthmark.

But as he slipped on his short-sleeved white tunic with majestic blue outlining it, he began to seriously doubt his father's words. What if his father was lying to him about it being a birthmark? What if it was a curse?

He shook his head.

"What am I thinking? Father never lies to me unless..." he trailed off as he stuck his feet into his brown leather boots with silver buckles. "-unless he has a very good reason to do so."

Grabbing his dark blue cloak, he inspected the golden crest of Aincrad. A golden bird was surrounded by a block-like cirlce. Aincrad, the Kingdom that lives freely like the bird and at peace with other kingdoms and countries. His father had been ruling for eighteen years and kept a strong truce with everyone around, especially the King of Alfheim, Oberon.

A feeling of dread slowly formed at the bottom of the Prince's stomach. He didn't know why, but every time he thought of Oberon, he felt completely uneasy. Like something bad will happen if he actually meets the King. Since he was the first born son and heir to the throne, he would have to take his father's place. But will his people listen to him, a prince they had never seen?

He sighed and decided not to wear the cloak today. It wasn't really cold for a late September morning, anyway. He wasn't even allowed to go out today (or any day), so what was the point when all he was going to do was study?

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