Netty's Plan

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Netty's pov:
When Lee walked in I realised that I could avoid Tom getting hurt. Lee was one of my best friends so I knew he would understand.

"Lee, can I talk to you" I looked over at Tom and his face dropped.

I felt horrible doing this to Tom but I had to do it as I really didn't want him to be hurt.

I walked out of the room with Lee and explained to him my problem. He already knew about Stampy and what he had threatened to do if I got another boyfriend. He was the only person who knew that. Squid, Amy and Ash knew about the first time but not the second.

My plan was to act like Lee was my boyfriend but only around Tom. Not when Stampy was there so he wouldn't think that Lee was my boyfriend and get angry.

Lee's pov:
Netty asked me to pretend to be her boyfriend so Tom wouldn't get hurt.

Netty was my best friend so I agreed, I was slightly scared that Stampy would find out but I had to do this for her.

When we walked back in I made sure to stay close to Netty. Closer than just friends. Tom stared at me and I looked down. He was angry. Dangerously angry. I knew I would have to avoid him as much as possible or I may get hurt from someone else that wasn't Stampy.

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