The Hospital

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This chapter will start from when Squid and Amy arrived back at the house after seeing Ash only it will be from Squid's pov.

Squid's pov:
Me and Amy arrived at the house I ran up to the door and pushed it open. I sprinted straight for the sitting room where I could hear commotion coming from. I saw Stampy screaming at Netty, I could tell she was about to get seriously hurt. I ran past Sqaishey and pushed Stampy away from Netty and into the wall. I knew I was stronger than Stampy so I wasn't too worried about getting hurt. So I started to look around the room. In the corner I could see Lee lying on the ground with a pool of blood around his head. As he was facing away from me I couldn't see what was bleeding, I hoped it was just a bad nose bleed. I looked to the other side of the room. I could see Tom, my brother, lying on the floor. His whole face was bruised and I could see his nose was at an angle. Stampy had broken my brothers nose. My grip loosened on Stampy as I was so shocked. In a second Stampy had kicked me in the legs. I fell backwards and crashed into Sqaishey. I felt my head hit the ground and I knew I couldn't take Stampy on my own. I looked up at Sqaishey and told her to call the police, I saw her run out, I had to distract Stampy. I slowly got up and ran at him again. I tried to jump into him to make him fall over. I knew if he was on the ground I would have an advantage. But Stampy saw this coming and as I jumped he stepped to the side and grabbed me as I passed him and pushed my shoulder to the floor. I felt pain shoot through my arm. I looked up and saw Stampy walking towards me, I tried to move but I couldn't. Stampy kicked me first in the stomach and then I saw what he was going to do, he was going to kick me in the head. I closed my eyes and braced myself. I heard a loud bang. I thought he must have kicked me so I opened my eyes only to see Sqaishey there pushing Stampy away from me. I felt so dizzy and I saw the police run in and pull Stampy out of the room. I relaxed a little now I knew that everyone was safe. A paramedic came over to me and helped me up. They started to take me towards the ambulance that Lee was in. Although Lee is a good friend I wanted to be with my brother. "Can I go in the other ambulance. Tom's my brother". So the medic led me to Tom's ambulance and I sat down. I saw the girls come out of the house and Amy jumped into my ambulance so I guessed Netty and Sqaishey went with Lee. When we started moving the paramedics were mainly focused on Tom but one of them came to check my arm. She bandaged it up and told me it was most likely broken.

We got to the hospital and I was taken to the same ward as Tom. Tom was still knocked out but an hour later he woke up. It was good to see that he was ok and not in too much pain. I started to text Nicole as she would want to know what had happened.

S = Squid
N = Nicole

S: Hi, thought I should let you know. Stampy went a bit crazy and attacked us. So me, Tom, and Lee are know in hospital. Also Ash is in hospital too but for a different reason.
N: Are you all ok??
S: I probably have a broken arm. Tom is a bit bruised and has fractured his nose. Ash will be out tomorrow but I don't know about Lee yet
N: I'm coming to the hospital
S: No it's fine only Tom knows about you
N: Yes but the others will find out soon
S: I don't want them to find out this way
N: Tough

This made me smile. She cares so much about me and I care so much about her. Maybe I will be lucky and none of the others will see her.

Then Amy came in. "How are you doing Nugget?" I told her how I was feeling and stuff like that and we chatted for a bit. Then Tom had to go for an X-Ray so we were all only. "Nugget, I like you. In fact I love you." Oh God. I mean I like Amy but only as a friend. I love Nicole. Then Nicole ran in. How could this get any worse. Nicole ran straight for me and hugged me. I looked at Amy. She looked confused then her expression changed. "Who are you?" Amy said grimly. Nicole told her that she was my boyfriend. I told Amy that she was one of my best friends and if she could please just get along with Nicole. "Never" then she walked out the room. Tom returned and I had to go for my X-Ray. As they expected I had a broken arm but I didn't really care. I couldn't stop thinking about Amy and how I didn't want to loose one of my best friends.

I just wanted to say it's really worth looking at the pic. It's of Squid's head Amy's eyes and Nicole's chin and mouth. It's hilarious! 😂😂

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