The Plan

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Amy's pov:
Squid had suggested that we check Keith's Instagram and Twitter pages to see if there were any clues to where he was. Me, Squid and Tom were checking Twitter and Instagram while everyone else (apart from Ash) looked to see if he had any other social media pages. I was looking at Instagram but there was nothing he hadn't posted in 4 weeks so the chances that there would be anything were slim. However he seemed to use Twitter regularly so there may be something there. Suddenly Stampy rushed in, "He has a Facebook page and he just posted saying: 'I hate Warehouses, they ruin the views'. Is there a Warehouse in Huddersfield?" He said looking at Squid and Tom. You could tell they were concentrating hard on Warehouses which made me want to laugh but I knew that it was the wrong time. "Wait there is a Warehouse on the outskirts. I don't think it's being used for anything at the moment." Tom said. "Let's go" squid said jumping up. "If you just go you will get caught as well. U need a plan, and also the police won't be happy if they find you breaking into a Warehouse." Ash said like it was the most obvious thing in the world and I could tell by Squid's face that he knew Ash was right even though he didn't want to listen to him. "Ok we will go this evening." I said, "We need the cover of dark." We all agreed that was our best option. Tom went out to the sport shop to by some cricket and rounders bats for weapons and Netty went to buy some Nerf guns although they won't do much they can provide distractions. We discussed for a long time about our plan and this is it. We were going to split into two groups: Group 1 - Squid, Stampy, Tom and Ash. (Ash said he would only help with attacking Keith, he wouldn't help with actually finding and rescuing Nicole). Group 2 - Me, Sqaishey and Netty. Group 1's job was to go in first and attack Keith while Group 2 would sneak in find Nicole rescue her and then sneak out again, hopefully without Keith seeing them. When group 2 got out again and back to the cars. I would phone Squid, who would've already set the ringtone for when I call him to something different so he would no it's me, so Group 1 know that they can leave the building come to the cars and then we can leave. That was the plan so hopefully it would work. When Tom and Netty got back from the shops we explained to them the plan and they liked it. We then distributed the weapons evenly. So Group 1 had a Nerf gun and a bat each and Group 2 just had a bat. We then decided to get some sleep before we went.

I couldn't sleep and next door I could hear someone crying. I quietly got out of my bed and went to the bedroom next to mine. It was Squid's room. I went in to see Squid sitting up crying his eyes out. I shut the door and went to sit down next to him (luckily he had a double bed). Squid told me that he was really worried about Nicole and what was happening to her. I told him it was going to be fine and we would get Nicole back. He rested his head on my shoulder and started to fall asleep. I expected it to feel awkward as Ash was my boyfriend now, but it didn't, it just felt like we were close friends who were helping each other. Although I still liked Squid I was happy that he had found Nicole and I actually really wanted to help get her back.

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