Ash's Secret

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This and the next chapter will be set at the same time but from different pov's and they will be in in different places. Just thought I should let you guys know so it made more sense.

Squid's pov:
When the ambulance arrived me and Amy volunteered to go with Ash to the hospital. I knew how much Amy hated hospitals so I was surprised that she agreed to go. Ash was taken straight in and me and Amy had to wait until the nurse came to tell us we could see him. We were sitting outside the room that Ash was in when a nurse came out of the room. "Ash is going to have an operation on his shoulder, we think he must of knocked it when he fell. So you may want to get a coffee or something while you wait. We will phone you when he is ready for you to see him." The nurse said like she had said it a hundred times before. Amy stood up quickly, " will Ash be ok." She seemed really worried. "It's just an operation, he should be fine." The nurse replied before walking back into the room. I put my arm around Amy and pulled her towards the shops.

We were sitting down at our table drinking our coffee when two kids walked past. They looked about 12 and the girl was wearing an iBallisticSquid t-shirt and the boy was wearing a Minecraft jumper. I saw the girl turn and look at me so I smiled. She stopped dead still and dropped jumper she was holding. Amy turned round to see what I was looking at and I saw her laugh slightly at the boys reaction. He didn't react so extremely but his jaw dropped. I started to walk over to them. "Hi, I see your a fan". "YES!!!" The girl replied. I took a photo with them and Amy and signed some of their stuff. Then the girl asked why I was here. I told them about Ash and how he got into a fight but didn't fight back. I made sure to miss out about Netty. The boy and the girl looked so sad. "Tell him that we hope he gets better soon!" The boy said. Then the girl got out her phone. She told me that the reason her and her brother were here is because one of their closest friends got hit by a car so they were coming to visit her. Then she asked if me and Amy could record a video message for her. So of course we agreed to. We recorded the message then said goodbye as they had to go. We went back to sit down and finish our coffees when I got a phone call. They told me we could go and see Ash now, so we grabbed out things and left.

When we got to Ash's ward we walked in in silence. Ash was sitting up in his bed with his shoulder bandage up. We talked to Ash for a bit about how he was feeling and stuff like that but then I said the question that I had been thinking about since Lee almost drowned. "Ash, I'm not trying to be be rude but why didn't you come to help me and Netty with Tom and Lee. Ash looked down at the floor. "I wanted too. But I couldn't" Ash said quietly. "Mate, can you not swim?" Ash looked up quickly. "I can swim but..." He took a deep breath and continued, "when I was 11 I went to my friends house. It was there birthday and they were having a massive pool party in their pool. There must of been about 30 kids there. We all went in the pool and put some music on really loud. I don't know how but somehow I got pushed under the water and as there was so many people in the pool I couldn't get back to the surface, I just kept on getting kicked down. I had to grab hold of someone's leg so they freaked out and moved so I could reach the surface. Since then I haven't been able to go into water again. I'm even too scared to have a bath. I only have showers." Ash stared down at the floor. Amy started crying and hugged Ash. I decided to leave them and go and call Stampy to tell him why Ash didn't help and also that he was feeling better. But when I called Stampy he seemed really angry he just said ok to everything then hung up. I was seriously worried so I called Tom but he wouldn't pick up. I then got a call from Sqaishey saying I needed to come quick Stampy was really angry and Tom and Netty were in danger of getting hurt and Lee was already hurt. I hung up and rushed back into Ash's ward to see him and Amy kissing. My first thought was to leave them but I would need all the help I could get. I explained the situation to them as quick as could. Luckily they understood, Ash couldn't come yet but me and Amy rushed out the hospital and drove quickly back to the house.

I know this is longer than normal but there was a lot to fit in so I decided I would make it one big chapter so it would work better with the next one.

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