Let's Do This!

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Squid's pov:
I woke up to find myself asleep on Amy's shoulder. I realised that I shouldn't have done that, I had a girlfriend. Then I remembered what was happening today and all my thoughts turned to that. I gently woke Amy and together we went down to breakfast. Stamps was already making pancakes. "So are you guys ready for today?" Stampy asked. We both nodded and started eating the pancakes Stampy had just given us. One by one the others arrived and ate their pancakes. "It's weird having breakfast at 7:00 pm.Tom laughed and we all agreed. We had to have breakfast now as it would take us around 6 hours to get back to Huddersfield so we wouldn't have time for breakfast. We all got up, put our plates away and went out to the cars. We were taking Netty's and Stampy's car which Sqaishey would drive so when Group 1 left if Keith was chasing us we could get away quickly. We got in the cars and started to drive back to Huddersfield. In Netty's car was Netty, Tom, Amy and Ash. In Stampy's car was Stampy, me and Sqaishey.

*6 hours later*
We eventually arrive in Huddersfield and I was starting to get nervous. I instructed Stampy telling him which ways to go, to get to the Warehouse. I was just hoping that we were right and Keith and Nicole were here. We soon made it to the Warehouse and we parked outside. Netty pulled up next to us and the others got out. We grabbed our weapons, got into our groups and me and the rest of Group 1 silently made our way to the door. We were still quite far from the door and, through the darkness, I could see a silver chain around the handles to the door. My heart sank and I stopped walking, I felt like crying. What if I never saw her again. The rest of the group turned around to see why I had stopped. They saw that I was looking towards the door and they turned to look. Stampy and Tom turned back and walked towards me, they were telling me that we would find another way in but I knew that was impossible. They continued to suggest ideas but I wasn't listening anymore. I could see Ash walking towards the door and up to the chain. Then he turned round and walked back. "Squid, I think you should go and take a closer look at that chain." Ash said. I was confused but I walked up to the door anyway. I looked down at the chain that I thought held the doors together. I had to stop myself from laughing because the chain had already been cut by someone else. Stampy, Ash and Tom came up behind me. "This shows he is here then" Stampy said. I nodded and slowly pulled open the door and looked in, holding my Nerf gun and rounders bat tightly. I really didn't know what to expect but I certainly didn't expect what I saw. Nicole was tied to a chair in the middle of the Warehouse. I dropped my gun and bat and I sprinted towards her. When I got close I realised  she had been knocked out. She had a black eye and there was blood over her face. I pulled out my house keys from my pocket as I had a pen knife on them. I started to try and cut the rope when someone grabbed me and put their hand over my mouth. Pulling me to the flaw. I felt someone punch me in the head, trying to knock me out, I was about to retaliate when I heard running footsteps, signalling that the others were coming to help. I stayed still as I realised that if moved he would hit me again to knock me out and then there would be two people knocked out whereas if I pretended to be out. Keith would move on. And that's exactly what happened, I felt him move away from me and start to attack the others. I slowly got up to see Amy standing over me, a look of relief crossed her face. I pulled my pen knife off my keys and handed it to her. Sqaishey passed me my gun and bat. She must of picked them up as they came in. I thanked her and ran over to where Keith and the others were. Stampy was on the floor, he must've got knocked out. Keith was holding a bat which I assumed was Stampy's. I could see Ash had a cut lip and Tom had a nose bleed but, other than that, they seemed fine. I almost behind Keith when I saw him start to swing his bat towards Tom's face. I looked at Ash and he nodded, he could tell what I was going to do and he was ready for it. I dropped my bat and gun again and jumped into Keith, pushing him over and stopping him from hitting Tom. We hit the ground hard and I heard Keith yell in pain. I rolled out the way just as Ash kicked Keith and then hit him in the head with his bat. Keith was out cold. I pulled a note out of my pocket which I had written in the car. I said:

We will not call the police if you never come after us on anyone that will effect us again. If you do we will call the police no matter what threat you place.
From The Magic Animal Club.

I know it's weird to put from MAC but for some reason it felt right. I placed the note in his hand so he wouldn't miss it. I turned to see Sqaishey cutting the last few strands of rope and I sprinted to catch Nicole as she fell off the chair when the rope was cut. I was so happy to see her again even if she was out. A cry brought me back to reality. I turned to see Sqaishey crying over Stampy. Amy was comforting her and I could vaguely hear her saying that he was only knocked out and that he would be ok. I saw Ash pick up Stampy and start carrying him to the cars so I did the same with Nicole. As I was carrying her she woke up and for the first time in ages, we kissed. I had missed her so much. We all jumped into the cars and the bats and guns had been collected up and they were put into the boot. Suddenly there was a shout and I could see Keith running towards us with a knife in his hand. I tried to shield Nicole but he was way to strong. He shoved me over and a spike of pain went up my newly healed arm. Nicole was going to be killed and there was nothing I could do about it. Suddenly Keith's body slumped and he fell to the floor and, from behind Keith, Ash walked out holding a bat in his hands. Ash had saved Nicole's life even though he said he wouldn't help. All I wanted to do was run over to Ash and thank him for what he had done. But the pain in my arm became overwhelming, my vision went blurry and I fainted.

Ok guys the next chapter will be the final chapter in this story. However I have a completely knew story idea which will mainly be about Squid so yeah. I will probably say more about that in the next chapter.

Also thank you all so much for 100 reads!!! This is almost at 150 as well!! So that's amazing I never thought it would get 20 let only 100!!

If you have any sequel ideas for this story then comment and if I think I could write it then I will but I'm not sure that I will do a sequel yet. I don't think I will but if you do have ideas then I would love to hear them!

The Magic Animal Club HolidayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora